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Wymondham Golf  Club, Norfolk. (1904 - WW1)

First appeared in 1904.

The club had disappeared before WW1.

The following report is from the Eastern Daily Press Wednesday 28th December 1904. – “The Wymondham Golf Club has now been started in earnest, and the course of nine-holes is in good order. In the first competition Mr Alex Fowler was awarded first prize, and Mr E W Routh Clarke and Dr. Lowe tied for second place. The course measures a mile and a quarter as the crow flies, but when the distances from the tee grounds to the holes are considered, it measures about two miles. Considering the bad weather lately and what the green-keeper has had to contend with, the course may fairly be described as good. The membership is now about 60, but considering the many advantages of the course and the lowness of the subscription, the number ought to be doubled. John M Pomeroy is secretary of the club.”

Below a match played at Diss in April 1905.


Wymondham Golf Club, Norfolk. Result of a match played at Diss Golf Club in April 1905.

From the Diss Express Friday 14th April 1905. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The advert below for is from April 1906 and gives a clue to the location of the golf course. “The Railway Hotel near the Wymondham Golf Links.”


Wymondham Golf Club, Norfolk. Advert for the Railway Hotel near the Golf Links.

From the Eastern Daily Press Monday 23rd April 1906. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The O.S map below shows the Railway Hotel, unfortunately there is no golf course marked.


Wymondham Golf Club, Norfolk. O.S map 1907 showing the Railway Hotel near the Golf Links.

© Crown Copyright {1907.}


The annual meeting of the Wymondham Golf Club was held in the Church Schoolroom in October 1908. In the absence of the president, E F R Clarke, the treasurer, H L Cubitt, occupied the chair and produced the balance sheet, which was considered very satisfactory. The course had been greatly improved and it was hoped more members would compete in competitions.

Nothing further found for Wymondham Golf Club.