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Shoeller Private Golf Course, Düren. (1930s)

During the 1930’s membership was compulsory to the German Golf Federation even for private family-owned golf courses.

One such course, the private golf course Schoeller-Düren, became a member of the federation in 1938. The 3-hole golf course was played over 919m for gentlemen and 860m for Ladies.

It is believed that the golf course was set up by the Schoeller family, an industrial entrepreneurial family from Düren

In the 1939 yearbook the “Tennis und Golf-Club Düren e.V.” had 13 members and was registered with the German Golf Federation. It seems that the “Dürener Tennis-Club” (founded 1896) opened a golf section in 1939, which then became member of the German Golf Federation under the name of “Tennis. Und Golf-Club Düren”. Club president was Herbert Schoeller and Werner Schoeller honorary secretary. British golf professional A.J.Stempt from Aachener Golf-Club is named as golf professional.

In 1939 the clubhouse was at Mariaweilerstrasse in Düren, most probably where the “Sportgemeinschaft GFC Düren 99” is today, at Mariaweilerstrasse 81. On the opposite side to the clubhouse there seems to be an open area large enough to site three golf holes. Maybe this is where the golf holes were located.

The Google Map below pinpoints the possible location of the golf course.