Warden Hills/South Beds Golf Club. (1893 - 1970s)
Founded in 1893 as Warden Hills Golf Club.
The South Beds Golf Club led a nomadic existence moving around Galley and Warden Hills for nearly 80 years.
It finally settled at the current location in the mid 1970s.
This article concentrates on the early years of the Warden Hills Golf Club.
Report on the formation of the Warden Hill Golf Club in April 1893.
Competition result from July 1893.
Competitions played in March 1895.

Luton Times and Advertiser Friday 29 March 1895. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
From the mid-1890s the club gradually morphs into South Beds Golf Club.
Ordnance Survey Map from the early 1900s showing the golf course.