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Derbyshire Golf Club. (1892 - WW2)

The Derbyshire club was established in October 1892.

A 9-hole (originally planned to be 18) course was laid out on the Osmaston Hall Estate, with the Hall itself providing clubhouse facilities. Membership ranged from 120 at the outset, to 200 by 1898.

The club moved to a new nine-hole course at Littleover in the late 1890s.

In 19o8 the club moved to a new 18-hole course at Mackworth. It continued at this location until 1930 when the land was required for housing development.

In 1930 the Derbyshire Golf Club moved to the new 18-hole course laid out by Harry Colt at Allestree Park. It continued as Derbyshire Golf Club until WW2.

Following WW2 it became the council owned Allestree Park Golf Course.


Derbyshire Golf Club. Club button.

Derbyshire Golf Club button.


Following is a report from the Derby Daily Telegraph dated Thursday 13 October 1892; “A meeting of gentlemen of the town, interested in golf, was held at the Derwent Hotel last Wednesday evening to consider the advisability of forming a Golf Club. Mr A Wilson occupied the chair. After some discussion it was resolved that the formation of such a club was in every way desirable, and it was accordingly agreed that one be constituted with the title of the Derbyshire Golf Club. As a provisional committee the following gentlemen were appointed, with power to add to their numbers; F K Booty, John Brunton, W Campion, F Coulthurst, Dr Laurie, P S McCallum, H Marsh, W T Morley, Dr Vaudrey, A Wilson, and (subject to their consent) J Eastwood, T C Eastwood and Dr Macphail. Mr A Wilson was unanimously appointed chairman of the committee. Mr William Campion, treasurer and Walter Bancroft, 14 Reginald Street, secretary. The headquarters of the club will be the Derwent Hotel, and William Chatterton is the appointed agent for the sale of requisites. A sub-committee , comprising seven members of the club, was formed for the purpose of inspecting and reporting upon the sites suggested as being suitable for the course, and their report will be considered at the next meeting. Ladies will be enabled to enjoy the privileges of the club. The question of the admission of youths was postponed.”

A meeting was held the following week and it was decided that the Osmaston Hall Estate would be the location of the first course, it was be laid out forthwith. A sub-committee was appointed to engage a professional “to advise as to the best places for the teeing grounds, greens etc” A room had been secured at the Hall for the use of club members. It was decided to approach the Hon. W M Jervis and offer him the post of president. At this stage there was a list of fifty! vice-presidents.

The Ordnance Survey Map below shows the Osmaston Hall Estate in the late 1890s. 


Derbyshire Golf Club, Osmaston Hall Course. The O.S Map from the late 1890s shows Osmaston Hall.

O.S Map Revised 1899 © Crown Copyright {year of publication 1901}.


It was announced in November 1892 that George Davidson, the County cricket professional, had been appointed groundsman at the Derbyshire Golf Club. It was also stated that the club has “caught on” beyond all expectation. 

A distinguished crowd was in attendance for the formal opening of the course which took place on Saturday 6 May 1893 with a match against the Notts Golf Club.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Osmaston Park Course. Report on the opening of the course in May 1893.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Osmaston Park Course. Report on the opening of the course in May 1893.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Osmaston Park Course. Report on the opening of the course in May 1893.

From "Golf" Friday 12 May 1893.


Result of a match played at Leicester in April 1894.


Derbyshire Golf Club. Result of a match played at Leicester in April 1894.



Result of the Strutt Trophy played in August 1894; T C Jeffrey, 86–4–82; Rev T Hutchinson, 93–4–89; L A Guilmant; 103–15–93; J Wells, 116–20–96; J Sayers, 113–15– 98.

Result of the Strutt Trophy played on Saturday 8 September 1894; A L Upstone, (also won in July) 107-15-92; L A Guilmant, 108-15-93; T Newton, 110-15-95; C R B Eddowes, 114-18-96, J Wells, 113-16-97; F H Foulds, 107-6-101; H J Swaffield, 135-18-117. No returns from Major Robinson and S C Leech.

Result of a match against Barton-under-Needwood Golf Club played in December 1894.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Osmaston Park Course. Result of a match against Barton-under-Needwood in December 1894.

"Golf" Friday 14 December 1894. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Below, result of a match played against Notts Golf Club at Derby on Saturday 26 October 1895.

Derbyshire Golf Club   Notts Golf Club  
L A Guilmant 0 J Hall 3
J Sayers 0 R R Macgregor 0
J N Nutt 0 I C Warren 2
J Wells 0 E Skepper 2
Dr Macphail 0 J Bowes 1
S Wilson 0 J McMeeking 7
B D Aspdin 0 H Secretary 11
Dr Bryson 3 J Johnstone 0
  3   26

From the Nottingham Evening Post November 1895 “When playing on the links of the Derbyshire Golf Club on Saturday 23rd November, Mr George Coulson holed the fourth hole in one. Mr Coulson, allowing for the high wind, drove somewhat to the right, and the ball, dropping on the green, rolled into the hole. This hole, although only about 130 yards in length, is one where many an otherwise good round has been spoilt. The direct line from the tee to the green is between a tree and a small pond on the one side, and a tall edge on the other, the space between being filled up with wire-covered hurdles. With a good tee shot the hole is often done in three, and occasionally in two, but a drive either pulled, sliced, or topped, is severely punished”  

The club have notice to quit the Osmaston Park course in November 1897.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Osmaston Park Course. The club to lose the Osmaton Park course in November 1897.

Golf - Friday 26 November 1897. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


In 1898/9 the club moved to a new location at Littleover between the Burton and Uttoxeter roads, there was a new clubhouse, which was just a few minutes’ walk from the Rowditch Inn and the bus terminus. A 9-hole course, holes varied in length from 93 to 370 yards with hedges being the major hazards. Owler Lane ran through the course, with the new clubhouse just to the south of the lane. At the south end of Middleton Avenue, two cottages bear the name “Golf Links Cottages”, which presumably indicates the extent of the course.  

The Ordnance Survey Map below shows the clubhouse and course at Littleover.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Littleover Course. The clubhouse and course on the 1901 O.S map.

O.S Map Revised 1899 © Crown Copyright {year of publication 1901}.


In May 1898, it was reported that William P Lewis, the professional to the Derbyshire club (1893-1898), playing over the “new course” set a record score for the nine-holes, as follows; Beacon Hole, 4; Windy Know Hole, 3; Farm Hole, 3; Reservoir Hole, 3; Purgatory Hole, 4; Short Hole, 6; Magazine Hole, 4; Punch Bowl Hole, 3; Home Hole, 4 total 34. He had problems with the short hole, being off line with his tee shot.

William Hutchings took over as professional/green-keeper later in 1898, he continued at the club until 1930, his son, Henry William Hutchings, was assistant professional prior to WW1. 


Derbyshire Golf Club. Mid Iron Golf Club stamped W Hutchings, Derby.


Derbyshire Golf Club. W H Hutchings putter.

The above Hand Forged clubs are marked “Hutchings Derby” W Hutchings was the professional at Derby from 1898 to 1930. Images courtesy of Lloyd Williams (top) Christian De Camps (bottom.)


The Midland Counties’ Professional Championship took place over the Derbyshire course at Littleover in April 1900, the winner was T Williamson, Nottingham.

At the AGM held in March 1901 the Hon W M Jervis was re-elected as President, the following vice presidents were also re-elected, B D Aspdin, L A Guilmant, J N Nutt and A L Upstone. The retiring treasurer, Mr E Colebourne and secretary, John White, were heartily thanked for their services and re-elected. A letter was received from Mr Arthur Wilson resigning the position of chairman of the committee, a position he had held for several years, the resignation was accepted with regret and thanks were given to Mr Wilson for his services. Mr W T Morley was elected as chairman and Mr G Dusautoy vice-chairman, with Mr J N Nutt as the successor to Mr Dusautoy in the captaincy.  Membership totalled 168, this included 24 ladies.

The course underwent various changes in 1901 with the holes increasing to between 147 and 381 yards. Hazards at this time included ditches, hedges, ponds and of course Owler Lane which was crossed twice. By 1906 the course had been extended to 18-holes, the longest being 470 yards. Because of the need for more extensive accommodation, plus the lack of the security of the tenure, it was decided in 1909 that the club would move to a new site at Humbleton Farm, Mackworth, from the 25 March 1910. However, there is evidence that play carried on at the Littleover course through to the 1920s.

A day to forget for Burton-on-Trent on their visit to the Derbyshire Club in November 1901.


Derbyshire Golf Club. Result of a one sided match played in November 1901.

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal Friday 8 November 1901. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Result of a club prize second division competition played in April 1903; C G Oliver, 107 - 18 - 89; Rev R C Bindley, 113 - 18 - 95; S L Archbutt, 112 - 13 - 93; G H Fryer, 115 - 15 - 100; C A Severn, 116 - 10 - 106; A Barrow, 138 - 20 - 118. There were twelve no returns.

Below is the result of a match played at Ashby-de-la-Zouch Golf Club (now defunct) on Saturday 7 May 1904.

Ashby-de-la-Zouch Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
Rev J W Gregory 0 L West 8
A Potter 0 G Dusautoy 7
C R Ross 2 J N Nutt 0
R J Carruthers 0 B Aspdin 4
J H Sutton 0 W Davie 5
Rev H B F Van 3 J Sayers 0
T H Davenport 0 C A Severn 2
E Bullen 2 L A Guilmant 0
G Ree 0 T West 5
  7   31

Result of the first division medal played in November 1904. There were 10 no returns; E H Fryer,86-9-77; J A Hogg, 101-18-83; B D Aspdin, 92-8-84; W Davie, 92-7-85; J White, 100-14-86; E A Severn, 94-7-87; J Sayers, 97-10-87; S L Archbutt, 95-7-88; F Brailsford, 100-11-89; A Barrow, 109-20-89; A Upstone, 107-15-92; C E Oliver, 116-14-102.

Entry from the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; Instituted 1872 (sic); Membership of 170; hon. secretary - E Colebourn, Old Bank House, Irongate, Derby; captain, B D Aspdin; entrance fee £1/1s; ladies 10s/6d; subs £1/11s/6d and £1/1s; nine-holes; professional W Hutchings; professional record 34 for 9-holes; 74 for 18-holes; amateur record 37 for 9-holes; visitors 2s/6d a week, 7s/6d a month. Situated at Littleover, 2 miles from Derby, the links are equidistant from the Burton-on-Tent and Uttoxeter main roads, and commands extensive views of the surrounding country.

Derbyshire Golf Club played a match against Borrowood on Saturday 3 March 1906 at Derby. For the full result see Borrowood entry.

The following Derbyshire team visited Chevin on Saturday 17 March 1906.

Chevin Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
L Sayers 1 C A Severn 0
W H Cary 1 G Dusatoy 0
F Audinwood 0 J N Nutt 1
L A Guilniant 1 R B Wright 0
C W Wood 0 W Davie 1
H R Gibbs 0 B D Aspin 1
J F Harrison 0 T West 1
A St J Randall 0 E H Bennett 1
J B Mart 0 F Brailsford 1
F H Court 0 T W Collinge 1
H J Newell 0 E T Hodson 1
  3   8

The AGM was held on Tuesday 20 March 1906 at the Royal Hotel, Mr George Dusautoy was in the chair. Mr E Colebourn the secretary and treasurer reported that membership had increased to 190 in the last year and that the finances of the club were in a satisfactory position. The following officers were elected; President, Mr H H Raphael MP, Treasurer and Secretary Mr E Colebourn; Captain Mr B D Aspdin; Auditors, B D Aspdin and L A Guilmant; Committee, T W Collinge, G Dusautoy, I West and J White. The chairman then stated that the extension of the course to 18 holes had given general satisfaction, but with the steady increase in the number of members the time would shortly arrive when it would be prudent to raise the amount of the entrance fees.

To celebrate the extension of the course to eighteen-holes the club invited the Midland PGA Professional Tournament to hold their annual spring meeting on the Derby course on Wednesday 25 April 1906. The winner of the cup was J W Fulford of Birstall with scores of 76+77 total 153, other scores; R Jeffries, Hallowes, 78+76=154; L Lewis, Dudley, 79+76=155; W P Lewis (King’s Norton), C H Wingate (Olton), A Gow (Gog Magog) and W Eveson (Castle Bromwich), all tied on 158.


Derbyshire Golf Club. Result of a match played in October 1906.

Melton Mowbray Mercury and Oakham and Uppingham News Thursday 4 October 1906. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The club move to a new course at Markeaton in September 1908.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the new course in September 1908.

Sheffield Evening Telegraph Thursday 17 September 1908. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Below is the result of a club match played against Ashbourne & Dove Valley Golf Club on the Clifton course at Ashbourne in June 1910. 

Ashbourne Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
T H B Bamford 0 W Davies 0
R Holland 1 E H Bennett 0
P Shaw 0 H Rowley 1
A Tailyour 0 A Nutt 1
R Williams 0 G Vaughan 1
H Holmes 0 T W Collinge 1
T Smedley 1 F Fletcher 0
J W Lee 0 W Abell 1
J Dean 0 E Columbelle 1
E Lee 0 E Colbourn 1
  2   7

The new course at Mackworth measured 6,200 yards and was laid out by Tom Williamson. There was a large and impressive clubhouse. In approximately 1930 the land on which the course stood was purchased by the Borough of Derby for housing development, this became the Elms Farm Housing Estate, although the original clubhouse still exists on the estate.

The Ordnance Survey Map below show the Mackworth clubhouse and course at the time of WW1.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Mackworth Course. The O.S Map shows the clubhouse and course.

O.S Map Revised 1913 to 1920 © Crown Copyright {year of publication 1922}.


The former clubhouse is pinpointed towards the top right on the Britain From Above link below.

The Challenge Cup was played for on Saturday 21 October 1911. This was competed for at the spring and autumn meetings, it was held for the six month period, the winner received the club silver medal as a momento. On this occasion it was won by R C Archbutt, it is interesting to note that this was the third occasion on which members of the Arcbutt family had won the trophy. Sydney Archbutt, who had since left Derby, had won twice during the days of the Littleover course.

There were over 40 entries, following are the leading scores; R C Archbutt, 89-10-79; A T Fryer, 94-14-80; N Twigge, 93-11-82; W T Jones, 94-12-82; G Vaughan, 90-7-83; H Rowley, 89-5-84; F Skey, 91-7-84; A L Upstone, 92-8-84; T Walton, 100-16-84; L West, 84+1-85; W Davie, 88-3-85; E H Bennett, 90-4-86; A F Longdon, 95-8-87; J White, 95-8-87; T W Collinge, 96-9-87; J G B Coleman, 103-16-87; L W Wilshire, 105-18-87; T F Richardson, 102-12-90.

At this time the club were making considerable improvements to their course, bunkers being introduced on the approaches to holes ten and eleven. At hole twelve the fence that used to be in front of the green had been removed and been replaced with a large sand bunker with pot bunkers added to guard the green. The furrows on the immediate approach to many other greens had been raised, allowing the ball to run to the holes.

Below is the result of a match played at Derby against the Ashbourne and Dove Valley Golf Club on Wednesday 22 May 1912. 

Derbyshire Golf Club   Ashbourne Golf Club  
L West (Half) 0 T H B Bamford (Half) 0
W Davie 0 R Holland 1
G Dunstantoy 1 W Coxon 0
H Rowley 1 W C Tomlinson 0
C W Lowe 1 T Smedley 0
E H Bennett 0 Rev B N Shrubbs 1
G Vaughan 1 R Williams 0
F Skey 1 J W Lee 0
J White 1 L Harris 0
R W Sale 0 W H Smedley 1
A T Fryer 1 W N Nuttall 0
J Hill 1 L V Sadler 0
  8   3

Below is the result of a ladies match played in July 1913. On the same day the Derbyshire gents team entertained Markeaton in a foursome match (for result see Markeaton section)

Chesterfield Ladies   Derbyshire Ladies  
Mrs Jones 0 Mrs Stevenson 1
Miss Slater 0 Miss Newton 1
Miss F D Abell 1 Mrs Foxon 0
Mrs Fryer 0 Mrs Ellis 1
Miss Russell 0 Mrs Nicholson 1
  1   4

Result of the monthly medal for August 1913; first division (15 entries) – W Davie, 80-5-75; H Barber, 79-3-76; C E Oliver, 88-12-76; A V Nutt, 82-5-77; J H Slater, 84-7-77; H Rowley, 84-6-78; A L Upstone, 87-9-78; P O Francis, 89-10-79; second division (20 entries) – Bendle W Moore, 91-26-66; A T Fryer, 87-15-72; C J Allin, 95-22-73; A Linn, 89-14-75; T Walton, 90-16-74; Isaac Hill, 92-16-76; W S Jackson, 94-18-76; C E Evans, 95-17-78; W G Haslam, 106-20-86.  

Result of a one sided club match played at Derby against Longcliffe on Saturday 13 September 1913.

Derbyshire Golf Club   Longcliffe Golf Club  
L West 1 T H Squire 0
J N Nutt 1 E Black 0
A V Nutt 1 W T Tucker 0
E Fletcher 1 W J Gibbs 0
B D Aspdin 1 S Wright 0
W T Jones 1 A H Walker 0
L Finch 1 D R Noble 0
J K Wardle 1 J Deakin 0
F D Antill 1 E Perkins 0
  9   0

In 1914 entry fees were £3/3/0 for gents and £2/2/0 for ladies Subs were £/3/3/0 for gents and £2/2/0 for ladies. Visitors’ fees on introduction, unless members of another golf club, were 1/6 a day, 5/- a week and 15/- a month.

Two Music Hall Artistes of the day, Harry Weldon, a well known comedian and David Poole, a ventriloquist who were appearing at the Hippodrome were playing on the Derbyshire course on Thursday 19 August 1915. David Poole achieved a hole in one on the twelfth during their round.

Result of the qualifying competition for the Captain’s Prize held on 1 May 1920; G Nutt, 83-3-80; T G Long, 88-8-80; M Boam, 88-7-81; R Hollingworth, 89-8-81.

The annual fixture between Chevin and the Derbyshire Club, which had fallen in abeyance during the war years, was revived on Saturday 8 May 1920 at Duffield. Result below.

Chevin Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
T B Farrington 1 Dr G H Barber 0
J B Murphy 1 A V Nutt 0
H R Gibbs 1 H Rowley 0
Dr G Blood 0 F C Fletcher 0
A J Sayers 0 G Nutt 1
D R Downes 1 W T Jones 0
A Potts 1 A G Boam 0
J E Harrison 0 G Vaughan 1
E J Hampson 1 W Abell 0
F D Antill 1 A Farnsworth 0
  7   2

Result of a home club match played in June 1920 against Burton.

Derbyshire Golf Club   Burton on Trent Golf Club  
Dr Barber 0 E P W Davis 0
A V Nutt 0 F G Hodges 1
H Rowley 1 A Jelley 0
F C Fletcher 1 T S Joyce 0
G Nutt 1 W T Smallman 0
G Vaughan 1 H White 0
W Abell 0 A E Tanner 1
H Slater 0 C W Dickinson 1
  4   3

The 36 hole President’s Prize competition was held on Saturday 3 July 1920 and was won by Donald Nutt.

On Saturday 17 July 1920 the Derbyshire club played Burton at Bretby.

Burton on Trent Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
E T W Davies (1up) 1 Dr Barber 0
F G Hodges 0 A V Nutt (4&3) 1
J Shutes (4&3) 1 H Roney 0
R T Benstead (1up) 1 A C Hindle 0
A Jelley 0 F C Fletcher (2up) 1
T S Joyce 0 G Nutt (3&2) 1
H White (4&2) 1 G Vaughan 0
W T Smallman 0 A G Boam (4&3) 1
A E Kennard 0 H Slater (4&3) 1
G B Heap 0 T Long (7&5) 1
  4   6

Result of a ladies match played at Rushcliffe in July 1920. Rushcliffe first. Mrs Brothers,1 Mrs Farnsworth,0 – Mrs A G Morris,0 Miss Cholerton,1 – Mrs Reddish,1 Miss Holden,0 – Mrs Rhind,1 Mrs Lemon,0 – Mrs Jarratt,1 Mrs Long,0 – Mrs Alton,0 Mrs Smart,0 – Mrs Tatam,1 Mrs Maden,0.

Rushcliffe Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
Mrs Brothers 1 Mrs Farnsworth 0
Mrs A G Morris o Miss Cholerton 1
Mrs Reddish 1 Miss Holden 0
Mrs Rhind 1 Mrs Lemon 0
Mrs Jarratt 1 Mrs Long 0
Mrs Alton 0 Mrs Smart 0
Mrs Tatam 1 Mrs Maden 0
  5   1

Result of the August 1920 monthly medal; first division, Mr Slater, 85-9-76; B Nutt, 84-7-77; second division, J Delooze, 97-15-82; Mr Axe, 97-15-82.

Result of a ladies match played at Erewash in August 1920.

Erewash Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
Miss Kingsbury 1 Mrs Farnsworth 0
Mrs Doncaster 0 Miss West 1
Mrs Hooley 0 Miss Cholerton 1
Mrs Maltby 0 Mrs Lemon 0
Mrs Mitchell 1 Mrs Long 0
Miss Marshall 1 Mrs Slater 0
Mrs I Kingsbury 1 Mrs Campbell 0
  4   2

Result of the monthly medal played on Saturday 18 September 1920. R Long and H Rowley net 80 tied in the first division, B Gutch won the second division.

The first match of the final of the Hospital Cup was played on the Derbyshire course on Thursday 30 September 1920. The subsequent 18 hole match will be played on the Markeaton course next week. The finalists were A V Nutt, Derbyshire and P J Ball jun, Markeaton. After the first 18 holes Mr Ball was leading by 2up.  (Mr Nutt eventually won the match, for a report on the game see Markeaton)

Derbyshire – Result of the 36-hole Claude Johnson Challenge Cup played on Saturday 2 October 1920; John DeLooze, 80+79=159; Colonel Harker, 79+84=163; T S Haldenby, 82+85=167; B I Day, 89+89=178; Colonel Barrington, 108+100=208.

Also on Saturday 2 October two club matches, Derbyshire played a home match against Markeaton (see below). The "A" teams played at Markeaton (see Markeaton for result).

Derbyshire Golf Club   Markeaton Golf Club  
Dr Barber 1 H M Peacock 0
A V Nutt 0 A T Peacock 1
H Rowley 1 G Bailey 0
F C Fletcher 1 W E Winterbottom 0
A C Hinde 1 J Peacock 0
G Nutt 1 J McCrae 0
G Vaughan 0 R Thompson 1
A G Boam 0 J G Hall 1
  5   3

In 1922/3 there was a membership of 245.

There were 26 entries for the monthly medal played on Saturday 6 August 1921; H Rowley, 75-3-72; A C Hinde, 80-3-77; W H Levers, 93-16-77; W Slater, 84-6-78; R Nutt, 83-4-79; G Vaughan, 84-4-80.

On Saturday 20 August 1921 Leonard West set a new course record of 68, beating the bogey score by nine shots,  figures for his round as follows; Out - 4,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4 = 33; Home – 3,5,3,5,3,5,3,4,4 = 35. The course now measured 5,590 yards.

The final of the Derbyshire Hospital Cup competition was decided on Friday 23 September 1921. The contestants were Mr J De Looze representing the Derbyshire Golf Club and Mr H J S Hilton from Markeaton. The competition was 36 holes of match play. The first 18, on the Markeaton course, left Mr De Looze 3up. The remaining 18 holes were played on the Ashbourne Road course, Mr De Looze eventually won the match by 8&7.

The Derbyshire Golf Union held a record meeting on the Ashbourne Road course of the Derbyshire Golf Club on Wednesday 28 September 1921. Seven teams competed for the challenge shield, which was won by the host club. Over 100 players took part in the medal competitions, with some excellent scores returned. A well organized competition was rewarded with some sparkling golf and good weather. It was reported that the course was “a fairly easy one, but it possesses tricky greens, deceptive distances, and provides due punishment for players who fail to keep straight. The course was in good condition for the meeting”

The Derbyshire team won the team championship, played over 18-holes, by 9 strokes, aggregating 319 as against 328 by Buxton. Markeaton were third with 329. Rev W H Foster Pegg (Buxton), +2 handicap, went round in 75, a score equaled by G Nutt (Derbyshire). The bogey score for the course was 77.

Following is the result of the Challenge Shield competition:-

Derbyshire – L West, 78, A V Nutt, 80, H Barber, 83, G Nutt, 78 – total 319.

Buxton – Rev W H Foster Pegg, 75, G Q Henriques, 76, F J Field, 88, C Howard, 89 – total 328.

Markeaton – H M Peacock, 83, A D Peacock, 77, W R Winterbottom, 87, J P McCrae, 82 – total 329.

Erewash – G H Crowe, 86, A A F Hampton, 91, E J Kingsbury, 80, B W Maltby, 76, - total 333.

Chevin – T B Farrington, 80, H R Gibbs, 87, J B Murphy, 86, A J Sayers, 89 – total 342.

Matlock – J Kidd, 90, G Bailey, 85, S S Morton, 88, R B Wright, 85 – total 349.

Alfreton – Dr W H Pooler, 97, Rev E J Everitt, 89, W H Spencer, 87, E C Door, 91 – total 364.

Below, leading scores from the morning medal competition.

M C Boam (Derbyshire) 80 9 71 C R C Moon (Derbyshire) 83 7 76
W Robson (Matlock) 83 12 71 A W Dyche (Bretby) 88 12 76
F M Jones (Ashbourne) 80 7 73 J Smart (Derbyshire) 88 12 76
H E Brace (Matlock) 84 11 73 L S Strovan (Chevin) 88 12 76
J Ball (Markeaton) 87 14 73 W S Hands (Matlock) 90 14 76
L S Davis (Chevin) 87 14 73 F E Foster Pegg (Buxton) 75 +2 77
V R Cockerton (Buxton) 78 3 75 A D Peacock (Markeaton) 77 scr 77
L Rose (Ashbourne) 84 9 75 G Q Henriques (Buxton) 76 +2 78
E J Mooney (Markeaton) 87 12 75 J C Harrison (Chesterfield) 79 1 78
B W Maltby (Erewash) 76 scr 76 F Collins (Derbyshire) 82 4 78
H Rowley (Derbyshire) 78 2 76 E W Jackson (Derbyshire) 86 8 78
R Nutt (Derbyshire) 80 4 76 P E Tickler (Bretby) 86 8 78
G Nutt (Derbyshire) 78 2 76 G F Tomlinson (Derbyshire 86 8 78
E P W Davis (Bretby) 80 4 76 G W Fordham (Matlock) 92 14 78

Below, afternoon medal competition result.

L S Davis (Chevin) 84 14 70 J Ball (Markeaton) 92 14 78
M C Boam (Derbyshire) 81 9 72 L West (Derbyshire) 77 +1 78
G Nutt (Derbyshire) 75 2 73 C Howard (Buxton) 79 1 78
A G Boam (Derbyshire) 79 6 73 T G M Ward (Chesterfield) 79 1 78
E Lee (Ashbourne) 89 14 75 V R Cockerton (Buxton) 81 3 78
P E Tickler (Bretby) 83 8 75 J Sayers (Chevin) 84 6 78
E P W Davis (Bretby) 80 4 76 T G Hodges (Bretby) 85 7 78
A V Nutt (Derbyshire) 78 1 77 J Ball jnr. (Markeaton) 86 8 78
G Bailey (Matlock) 80 3 77 J C Harrison (Chestefield) 80 1 79

President’s prize for best gross score over 36 holes; G Nutt, 78+75=153.

Best gross score of the day for 18-holes G Nutt and W H Foster Pegg, 75.

Vice-president’s prize for best net score over 36 holes; M C Boam and L S Davis, 143.

In 1924 the membership was 310. Visitors’ fees were 2/6 a day, 7/6 a week and £1/1/0 a month.

Playing in The Gilson Cup competition on Saturday August 16 1924 Geoffrey Nutt returned a score of 68. It states in the report that this "beat all records for the course." Strange, because, as can be seen earlier,  on Saturday 20 August 1921 Leonard West also scored 68.

Below is a copy of the Geoffrey Nutt scorecard:-


Derbyshire Golf Club. Geoffrey Nutt record scorecard.

Image courtesy @LdnGolfHistory.


Below is the result of a club match played at Finham Park against Coventry Golf Club in June 1925.

Coventry Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
T P Perkins (5&4) 1 Rev W H Foster-Pegg 0
J N Loveitt 0 Dr Barber (4&2) 1
N Graham (2up) 1 H Rowley 0
W A Bennett (6&5) 1 T G M Ward 0
H L Simms (2up) 1 B W Maltby 0
Major Rogers 0 I Kingsbury (3&2) 1
W A Stockwin (1up) 1 G Nutt 0
D Clayton (1up) 1 A V Nutt 0
J Bird 0 T H Crewe (1up) 1
J Rigby (4&2) 1 J K Swallow 0
C Hill (half) 0 V R Cockerton (half) 0
  7   3


Derbyshire Golf Club. Competition Spoon marked 1926.


Derbyshire Golf Club. Competition Spoon marked 1926.

Derbyshire Golf Club Competition Spoon marked J W Tiptaft & Son Ltd. in 1926


Report from the Derby Daily Telegraph in April 1929 on the history of the club and the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road golf course.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Markeaton Course. Report on the expiry of the lease on the Ashbourne Road.

Derby Daily Telegraph Thursday 18 April 1929. Image © Reach plc. Images created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Below is the result of a match played at Bretby Golf Club, Burton-on-Trent, in July 1929. 

Bretby Golf Club   Derbyshire Golf Club  
A S Myrtle 1 L West 0
F J Crosley 0 J Nutt 1
C MacGlip 0 H Barber 1
I Buxton 0 C R C Moon 1
R T Benstead 1 A Nutt 0
R Gibson 1 D Cunningham 0
J M Cowie 0 H Rowley 1
A Jelly 1 G Reah 0
A W Dyche 0 C Blackham 1
R L Oxley 0 G H Ellis 1
  4   6


The Derbyshire club were served notice to leave the Ashbourne Road, Markeaton, course by the end of May 1930.


  Secretary Professional/Greenkeeper
1906-14 E Colebourn, The Old Bank House, Irongate, Derby. William Hutchings (p)
1922/3 T E Campbell, 7 Wilson Street, Derby. W Hutchings (p)
1924 G Nutt, 12 The Strand, Derby.  
1930 G Nutt, St James Chambers, Derby. W Hutchings (p&g)
1935 W Robinson, Post Office Chambers, Derby. T B Robertson (p) W Sheppard (g)


  Course records
1906-14 C A Severn (am) 36 W Hutchings (pro) 33
1924 Dr H Barber (am) 71 W Hutchings (pro) 71
1930 G Reah (am) 70 W Hutchings (pro) 71
1935 J Armitt (am) 71


The picture below shows workers preparing the new course at Allestree in January 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club. Preparing the new Allestree course 1930.

Derby Daily Telegraph Wednesday 22 January 1930. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Report on the annual meeting and the course at Allestree in April 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the annual meeting in April 1930.

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal Friday 4 April 1930.


Report on the exhibition match played on the Derbyshire course in April 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club. Report on the exhibition match played on the Derbyshire course in April 1930.height="789"


Derbyshire Golf Club. Report on the exhibition match played on the Derbyshire course in April 1930.

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal Friday 25 April 1930.


Below Allestree course to open on Saturday 31 May 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the opening of the new course in May 1930.

Derby Daily Telegraph Thursday 22 May 1930.Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Report on the opening and a description of the course in June 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the opening and description of the course in June 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the opening and description of the course in June 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the opening and description of the course in June 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the opening and description of the course in June 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the opening and description of the course in June 1930.

Derbyshire Advertiser and Journal Friday 6 June 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Picture taken on opening day in May 1930.

Picture taken on opening day on 31 May 1930. Image courtesy of Andrew Picken.


Report on the new course in September 1930


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the new course in September 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the new course in September 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the new course in September 1930.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Report on the new course in September 1930.

Above article courtesy of Golf Illustrated 19 September 1930.


Tom Barber appointed professional to the Torbay Golf and Country Club in February 1933.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Tom Barber leaves the club in February 1933.

Western Morning News Tuesday 21 February 1933. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Easy victory for Derbyshire Ladies' against Erewaah Valley played in April 1933.

Derbyshire Ladies' Golf Club   Erewash Valley Ladies' Golf Club  
Mrs Goodman (3 and 2) 1 Miss Fletcher 0
Miss Choleron (4 and 2) 1 Mrs Holt  0
Mrs Hartopp-Holt (3 and 2) 1 Mrs Sugden 0
Miss Abell (3 and 2) 1 Miss MacDonald 0
Mrs Jones (6 and 4) 1 Mrs E D Hooley 0
Mrs Wright (7 and 5) 1 Mrs Farmer 0
Miss Cooper (4 and 3) 1 Mrs Vardey 0
  7   0

New professional appointed in May 1933.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. New professional appointed in May 1933.

Derby Daily Telegraph Friday 5 May 1933. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Margaret Robertson becomes assistant to her father in may 1933.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Margaret Robertson assistant professional in May 1933.


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Margaret Robertson assistant professional in May 1933.

Manchester Evening News Thursday 25 May 1933. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


A new amateur course record was set in July 1933 by Dr. Hugh Barber;. The new record was three under par; Out - 5,3,3,5,4,5,4,4,4 = 37; In - 4,5,2,5,4,3,4,4,5 = 36.

Result of a match against Trentham played at Allestree in May 1934.

Derbyshire Golf Club   Trentham Golf Club  
D Cunningham and P Honan 0 A Gordon Jones and J R Barlow (5 and 4) 1
H Barber and J G Grieve 0 K A Mackie and F Edmunds (3 and 2) 1
A V Nutt and G H Ellis 0 A E Parkes and C J Baines (1up) 1
W Slater and F Schofield (3 and 1) 1 A L Jones and H J Plant 0
H Rowley and J W Cox (4 and 3) 1 C Bladen and T Simpson 0
R L Flett and W R Searle (2up) 1 F V Hulme and A G Bullen 0
  3   3

The following officers were elected at the annual meeting in September 1935; Men's club; Captain, Dr. P Honan; Committee - T S Haldenby, W Slater, G Sumner, F G Swindell, D Cuningham, Guy Smith and Dr. H Barber. Ladies' Club; Captain, Mrs T Shand; Committee - Miss C Cholerton, Miss W Cooper, Mrs Hartopp Holt, Mrs W Slater, Mrs Aspdin, Mrs J H Fryer and Miss Marshall.

Entry from the 1937 Golfer's Handbook; Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree; Secretary - W Robinow, Post Office Chambers, Derby; Professional an Green-keeper, T B Robertson; 18-holes Par and SSS 76; Amateur course record - J Armitt, 71; Visitors' Fees, 2s/6d a day, Weekends 5s. 

Result of the July 1939 monthly medal - Division One; P R H Cullin, 80-8-72; A V Nutt, 78-2-74; Division Two; B Day, 95-22-73; N T Claybyn, 85-12-73.

The course was used for troop training during WW2.

The Derbyshire Golf Club ceased to exist at the time of WW2. The course equipment owned by the golf club was auctioned in 1941.

The course was taken over by the council following the war and it became Allestree Park Golf Course.

Derbyshire Council have put forward plans to permanently close the course in 2020. There is much objection to the closure and Andrew Picken is leading a campaign to revert the decision.

Thanks to Andrew Picken who supplied the image below. It shows the original H S Colt layout from 1930 (yellow) and the current layout (red).


Derbyshire Golf Club, Allestree Park Course. Course plan showing the 1930 H S Colt layout and the current (yellow) and the current layout (red).


Derbyshire Golf Club. The location of the golf course at Littleover.

The Derbyshire club second home at Littleover, with the Cartridge Works towards the centre. The site has now been taken over by The Derby Hospital and housing.



Derbyshire Golf Club. The location of the golf course at Mackworth.

The course at Mackworth, the area has been taken over by housing, although the impressive clubhouse building still stands.