Essendon Place Golf Club, Herts. (1930s - 1970s)
The club first appeared in issues of The Golfer's Handbook in the 1930s and continued until the 1970s. It was a repetitive entry and gave only the name of the club and professional.
The professional was A J Callaby (also spelt Caliby) who continued through to the 1960s.
A J Callaby played in the Open Championship qualifiers at Royal St George’s in June 1934. He had a disappointing score of 88 in the first round, see below.

From the Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail Monday 25th June 1934. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Essendon Place Golf Course disappeared in the 1970s but the course had probably disappeared prior to this.
The Google Map below pinpoints Essendon Place, location of the earlier course. The course to the east on the map opened in the 1990s.