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The Leicester/Leicestershire Golf Club. (1890s)

Thanks to Dixon Pickup for providing the following information on the origins of the club. 

"The club was formed in 1891, though we celebrated our centenary in 1990! Apparently the club was formed "on paper" in 1890 at the home of John Corah (hosiery manufacturer), though later noted as being instituted 16 February 1891, hence the confusion. The first truly recorded instance of a course is 1891 when permission was granted by The New Leicester Club & County Race Course Co. Ltd., to play over part of the new race course at Oadby. However early the following year a new site was obtained in Evington Fields, Stoughton Lane, Oadby, the land at that time being owned by the Powys-Keck Family, Stoughton Hall. The first clubhouse was soon opened in Gartree Road, this was gradually enlarged (pics to follow). c1960 the club sold off the clubhouse, and parts of the 1st 17th and 18th holes for developement and a new main road. They were able to purchase extra land to the East of the course from the Co-operative Farms Ltd, again old Powys-Keck land. The new clubhouse was built after prolonged controversy in 1963. (A monstrosity, several earlier excellent plans being refused by the then President). The Club still live with the nightmare to this day, albeit much improved in and out. (another picture to follow).

The Club's change of title took place following the move in 1892, until then the club was partly within the City boundary, hence 'Leicester', with the move the ratio was reversed, so a change was necessary." 

Entry from the Golfing Annual Vol. V 1891-92; Leicester Golf Club, Instituted February 1891; Entrance Fee, £1/1s and Subs £1/1s; Number of Members 40; President, J Goddard; Hon. Treasurer, C J Brand; Committee - J A Corah, J B Everard, G H Hodges; A Lorrimer, Rev. H Tower; Secretary - H L Goddard, Knighton Spinneys, Leicester; Green - Leicester and County Club and Ground, Race Course, Oadby; Green-keeper, S Greasley, There are as yet no club prizes. Tramcars and bus go within 200 yards of the course at Oadby. It is private ground belonging to the Race Course Company, and fenced all round. A clubhouse is being put up. 

A competition was played by the Leicester Golf Club on the Stoughton links on Monday 26 December 1892. Over 30 players took part, which was considered an "unusually large" entry. A Lorrimer had the best score of 89 net. He was followed by A Goddard, 105, and B Lorrimer, 109.  

The monthly medal result for March 1893 for the "Leicester Golf Club."


Leicester Golf Club. Result of the March 1893 Monthly Medal for Leicester Golf Club.

From the Leicester Daily Post Monday 6 March 1893. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Report on the "second annual dinner" in December 1894.


Leicester Golf Club. Report on the second annual dinner in December 1894.

“Golf" Friday 11 January 1895. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Leicester Chronicle on Saturday 25 February 1895 - "The fourth annual general meeting of the Leicester Golf Club was held at the Leicestershire Club on Friday, Mr J A Corah, the retiring president, in the chair. On the proposition of Mr C J Billson, it was unanimously resolved that the name of the club should be altered to "The Leicestershire Golf Club," in order to prevent any difficulty arising in the future as to the title of the club to represent Leicestershire in inter-county matches. The election of the following officers took place; President, Mr J A Corah; Vice-presidents, J B Everard and J Goddard; Captain, A Lorrimer; Hon. treasurer, C J Brand; Hon. secretaries, C J Billson and C E Hare; Hon. auditors, R S Mantle and J Garner; Council - H L Goddard, F M Pope, A T Draper, B W Russell and E A Thompson."  

The following images were provided by Dixon Pickup. 

The Medal pictures are for the Leicester Golf Club and the The Leicestershire Golf Club, both are substantial, 38mm x 3mm and struck by the 'The Mint Birmingham'. B.Lorrimer, winner of the silver one was a founder member, Captain and later President.


The Leicester/Leicestershire Golf Club. Leicester Golf Club Medal.

Leicester Golf Club Medal. Images courtesy of Dixon Pickup.


The Leicester/Leicestershire Golf Club. Leicester GC Medal inscribed B Lorrimer 1892-3.

Leicester GC Medal inscribed - B Lorrimer 1892-3.


The Leicester/Leicestershire Golf Club. Leicestershire Golf Club Medal.

The Leicestershire Golf Club Medal.


The Leicester/Leicestershire Golf Club. Leicestershire Golf Club Monthly Medal.

Leicestershire GC Long Handicap - Thursday Monthly Challenge Medal.


Below are both sizes of the early "uniform" button from the Dixon Pickup collection 25 and 17mm, they were made by "Firmin & Sons 108 St Martins Lane London." This was the firm's address 1895-1915. At our Centenary Exhibition, two of our very elderly ladies recalled wearing the short bolero style jackets, scarlet with green collars and the gilt buttons, in the 1920's. Also in the Exhibition were the same style large silver medals dated 1937 and 1939, so I think it unlikely that the usual silver Award buttons were ever issued.


The Leicester/Leicestershire Golf Club. Golf Club button.


The Leicester/Leicestershire Golf Club. Golf Club button.