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Wellington College Golf Club, Shropshire. (1901 - 1920s)

Wellington College Golf Club was founded in 1901 by John Bailey who was principal at the Wrekin Colllege.

It was the first club in Wellington and the initial nine hole course was laid out on land adjacent to the college. At this time it was mainly for the use of pupils and masters but some locals were permitted to play.


Wellington College Golf Club, Shropshire. The golf clubhouse.

The above image shows the Wellington College golf clubhouse.


Wellington College Golf Club, Shropshire. Golfers on the course.

Golfers on the Wellington College course.


Wellington College Golf Club, Shropshire. Golf Club button.

Wellington College Golf Club button. 


In 1914 the secretary was John Dobson. Wellington College was now listed as an 18 hole course, laid out on meadowland. There was a membership of 50. There was no entry fee. Subs were £2/2/0 if living outside a 5 miles radius, or £1/1/0 within. Visitors’ fees were 1/- a day. Sunday play was not allowed. The stations (LNW and GWR) were 5 minutes away.


Wellington College Golf Club, Shropshire. Golfers from Wellington College..

Above, a group of golfers from Wellington College, the picture was taken in 1920. Authors Collection.


Wellington College Golf Club disappeared in the 1920s.