Newcastle United Golf Club, Town Moor Course. (1892 – 1973)
The initial Artisan club in 1892 was called the Newcastle United Workmen’s Golf Club.
The Newcastle United Golf Club played on the Town Moor course from 1892 to 1973.
The club moved to its current location at Nuns Moor in 1973.
Report on the Newcastle United Working Men's Golf Club in June 1892.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle Monday 6 June 1892. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
From “Golf” 12 August 1892; “Newcastle United Workman’s Club – A meeting of the members of this club was held on Saturday night in Lockhart’s Cocoa Rooms, 37 Clayton Street, Mr J S Thomson in the chair. It was thought advisable to make the above addition in the name of the club, so as to bring it more prominently before the working classes. A handicap was arranged to be played on Saturday 20 August when there will be prizes to be played for.”
Report on the club in October 1893.
A competition for a cup presented by the president, H Crawford Smith, was played in September 1894 and was won by D Burns, 106-17-89.
Result of the Scott medal played in May 1895; J McLean, 98-5-93; A Noble, 104-10-94; A Wright, 112-18-94; A Strath, 100-4-96; W T Holmes, 125-28-97.
Competition played in August 1897.
From the 1905 Nisbet’s Golf Yearbook; Newcastle United Workmen’s Golf Club; Number of members, 200; Hon. Secretary. - G Macfarlane, Beaconsfield Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The club plays on the same course as the City Club, on Town Moor.
In November 1905 the annual dinner and prize presentation for the Newcastle United Golf Club took place at the Roma Café, Grainger Street.
The Newcastle United Golf Club take over the running of the Town Moor golf course in August 1907.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle Saturday 10 August 1907. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.

Newcastle Evening Chronicle Wednesday 5 May 1909. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Competition results from August 1913.

Newcastle Journal Monday 18 August 1913. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The following officers were elected at the annual meeting in October 1914; President, the Lord Mayor (Councillor Johnstone Wallace); captain, Lieut. W T Webb; vice-captain, J McLean; secretary, George Foster; hon. assistant secretary, D W Scott; hon. treasurer, F H Howes; committee – G Liitle, C Falla, T Pringle, M Carrick, T Rodger, J M Robertson, H Christie, J Burn, F J Stewart; auditors, W A A W Crabb and John Page.
Result of the Crawford Cup annual field day played in July 1924; W Pass, first round 83, second round, 79 handicap 10 - 152 net; W Morton, 91+ 85–24-152; W Fulton, 85+96-28-153.
From the 1928 Golfer’s Handbook; Founded, 1892; Newcastle United Golf Club, Town Moor; Clubhouse – Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 550; Secretary – J Taylor, 25 Ilford Road, West Jesmond; Professional, T E Edgar; Green-keeper, G Chambers; Course Records – Amateur; G Boswell, 68; Professional; T E Edgar, 68; 18-holes; Visitors, 1s a day, 2s/6d a week, 5s a month; No Sunday play.

Sunday Sun (Newcastle) 11 September 1932. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Golfer’s Handbook 1933 - 37; Newcastle United Golf Club, Town Moor; Clubhouse – Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 550; Secretary – J Taylor, 25 Ilford Road, West Jesmond; Professional, T Nevans; Green-keeper, G Chambers; Course Records – Amateur; W Heatley, 66; Professional; T E Edgar, 68; 18-holes, SSS 72; Visitors, 1s a day, 2s/6d a week, 5s a month; Sunday play.
Result of the Newton Cup competition played in March 1935; S Stubbs, 78-6-72; A Kinghorn, 92-11-81.
In August 1935 George Kinghorn set a new record (67) for the extended Town Moor course.

Newcastle Journal Saturday 21 N0vember 1936. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Report on the annual meeting in October 1940.

Sunday Sun (Newcastle) Sunday 27 October 1940. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
George Chambers retires as green-keeper after 35 years in 1942.

Sunday Sun (Newcastle) Sunday 25 October 1942. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Golfer’s Handbook 1947; Newcastle United Golf Club, Town Moor; Clubhouse – Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 230; Secretary – H Ridley, 178, Wigmore Avenue, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Professional, J Clark; Green-keeper, H Pearson; Visitors, 1s a day; Sunday play.

Sunday Sun (Newcastle) Sunday 30 October 1949. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Golfer’s Handbook 1951; Newcastle United Golf Club, Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 350; Secretary – P F Hudson, 28 Curtis Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Professional and green-keper, W Batson; 18-holes; Visitors, 1s a day; Sunday play.
Golfer’s Handbook 1957; Newcastle United Golf Club, Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 350; Secretary – G F Hetherington, 41Osborne Avenue, Jesmond; Professional, W Batson; Green-keepers, J Conner and J Hayes18-holes, SSS 72; Visitors, 1s a day; Sunday play.
Golfer’s Handbook 1961; Newcastle United Golf Club, Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 200; Secretary – G F Hetherington, 41Osborne Avenue, Jesmond; Professional, G Long; Green-keeper; E Swordy; 18-holes, 5,800 yards, SSS 72; Visitors, 2s a day; Sunday play; Refreshments at clubhouse.

Newcastle Journal Tuesday 15 May 1962. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Golfer’s Handbook 1964; Newcastle United Golf Club, Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 250; Secretary – G B Doyle, 5 Redewater Road, Newcastle; Professional, G Long; Green-keeper; C Baxter; 18-holes, 5,800 yards, SSS 72; Visitors, 2s a day; Sunday play; Refreshments at clubhouse.

Newcastle Evening Chronicle Saturday 18 December 1965. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The above report continues – “The greens lie directly in the path of a big civic scheme to cut a dual carriageway thorough Nun’s Moor and the Town Moor from Claremont Road to Cowgate. Before the builders move in to rip the first furrows, other machines are lifting the turf and depositing it on new land which the club has been given by the Freemen as compensation. The club secretary, Mr Gerry Doyle said “there is no question about it this is a race against time. We hope to complete the transfer of nine-holes within a month. If we were to lose nine-holes we would be in a hopeless position, as the other nine are scattered haphazardly over both moors.”
Newcastle United Golf Club with 320 members is the only course within the boundaries of Newcastle – the City of Newcastle Golf Club is in Gosforth. Whatever happens the days of the unique clubhouse – which kept its sails whirling until ten years ago are numbered. The new clubhouse will have to be re-sited at least a mile from the old, although nobody is yet sure of the final shape of the £1m. plan to develop the Town Moor. The club will depend completely on the corporation to provide it with an alternative 18-hole course. Most members of the Town Moor and Parks Committee are sympathetic, for the club has supported golf since 1890, although the game was played on the Moor for many years before then.”
Golfer’s Handbook 1966; Newcastle United Golf Club, Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 250; Secretary – G B Doyle, 5 Redewater Road, Newcastle; Green-keeper; D Gray; 18-holes, 5,800 yards, SSS 72; Visitors, 2s a day; Sunday play; Refreshments at clubhouse.
Golfer’s Handbook 1972; Newcastle United Golf Club, Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 269; 18-holes, 5,743 yards, SSS 67; Amateur course record – J Hayes, 68; Visitors, 20p a day.
In the 1975 Golfer’s Handbook the club was still at Chimney Mills, Spital Tongues; Membership, 269; Secretary, J H Burke; 18-holes, 5,935 yards, SSS 68; Amateur course record – J Hayes, 68; Visitors, 20p a day.