Hedon Golf Club, East Riding. (1900s)
It was announced in February 1904 that a golf club had been formed and that land on the racecourse had been secured for the golf links. The racecourse, which is long gone, was located to the west of the town near Twyers Hill. It was stated that the ground was exceptionally well drained and was perfectly suited to golf. The joint secretaries were Mr W T Ayre and Mr G Leonard and the treasurer was Mr G B Newton. The club had a membership of 80 and subs were £1 per year. It was a nine-hole course.

Hull Daily Mail Thursday 18 February 1904.Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The club was formally opened on Saturday 11 April 1904. Colonel White called upon Stanley Wilson MP to open the nine-hole course. In a short speech Mr W ilson wished the club every success in the future. He then proceeded to hit the opening shot with a driver presented to him by Mr F M Jackson of Welton. A foursome was then played by Mr F M Jackson and Mr G V Tuck (club’s professional) against Mr D M Smith and Mr F McGregor. The latter were beaten 4 and 2.
Ordnance Survey Map from the 1900s Showing the Race Course and Twyers Hill.