Handsworth Golf Club, Sheffield, Yorkshire. (1939)

Appeared in 1939. The professional was J W S Wilkinson.

From the Sheffield Daily Telegraph Wednesday 29 March 1939 – “New Club For Rother Vale – Rother Vale Golf Club is dead but it won’t lie down! From its ashes a new club was formed last night at a meeting at Hartshead Schools. But its name has been changed it will now be known as Handsworth Golf Club, playing on the Rother Vale links, with many of the Rother Vale members as its backbone and with the same professional and ground staff.

When the proposal to form a Works Golf Club was tuned down by the council of the Sheffield Works’ Sports Association, Mr J Atherton, chairman of the council, kept his word and called a meeting of the 202 people who supported their willingness to join the proposed Works club. Over 50 of those people attended last night’s meeting and brought with them definite proposal from another 40 of them that they would be willing to join another club, provided that the subscription was kept at reasonable proportions and there were no other financial commitments.

After ways and means had been examined in some detail, it was decided unanimously to form a new club and so eager were those present at the meeting to start that it was proposed to bring the new club into being on Saturday, although Saturday is All Fools Day.

After consideration it was realised that the various arrangements to take over the course could not be carried through in three days, so an organising committee was elected with power to issue membership forms, collect subscriptions, employ the ground staff, and forming necessary legal applications, meaning a late constitution, and then another general meeting to pass the  constitution and elect permanent officials.

The only proposition carried last night, apart from the name of the club, which must hold, is that the subscriptions be; Men three guineas; Ladies two guineas.

There was an inclination to retain the old name, leaving out the “Limited Company,” but eventually that arrangement was withdrawn; another for “Hazells Golf Club” was defeated and “Handsworth Golf Club” was the popular vote. It was felt that a change of name might bring a change of luck and freedom from an unhappy association with the old name.

Mr W Buxton who was a prime mover in the successful attempt to save the Rother Vale course is acting as secretary pro tem. Mr J F Hartley is treasurer pro tem, other members of the committee; J Atherton, E Board, C Woodhouse, A Hall, F Hunt, G H Ramsden, W Littlewood and W Melling. All being well the members of the Handsworth Golf Club should be in residence by 1 May.”  

Handsworth Golf Club took over the Rother Vale Club course in 1939. See separate entry on this website for the history of Rother Vale Golf Club.

Result of a four ball bogey competition played on Monday 10th April 1939 at the Handsworth club; W Brown & M Matthews, 3up; J Adams & H Mirfin, 3up; A Shaw & L Hinde, 2up; S Evans & W Lawton, 2up; E Woodhouse & G Ramsden, 2up; B Smith & R Maycock, 1up; E Glover & E Board, all square.

It was reported in May 1939 that the "The new Handsworth club is getting down to business. The Rother Vale course was officially taken over as from Monday 1 May and the first annual meeting of the club will take place in Hartshead Schoolrooms on Thursday 4th May 1939.

Below is the result of a match played against the Sheffield Press Golf Circle in July 1939. The course was playing very well and compared favourably with any in the district.

Handsworth Golf Club   Sheffield Press Golf Circle  
F W J Hunt 1 S Carrington 0
W Melling 0 R McRae 1
E Hill 1 T Cramb 0
C Woodhouse 0 P Bond 1
F German 1 A Josey 0
W H Charlton 1 J Conn 0
E King 1 S Smith 0
H Homer 1 R Stone 0
W E Birkett 1 G Simpson 0
  7   2

An advert from the Sheffield Daily Telegraph September 1939 - Don't miss this opportunity of playing the driest and best winter course in the district. Handsworth Golf Club offer you Winter Membership from September 1939 to March 1940 for £1/5s. Applications to Hon. secretary; Mr W Buxton, 24 Miller Road, Sheffield, or the clubhouse.

At a meeting of the ladies' section in November 1939 the following officers were elected; Mrs Pringle, secretary; Mrs Baigent, captain; Mrs Samuels, vice-captain; committee - Mrs Board, Mrs Holt, Mrs Hurst, Mrs Melling, Mrs Mirfin and Mrs Keethley. Mrs Melling was the winner of the Bridge Cup.

The onset of WW2 probably put paid to any progress for the club and course.

The Ordnance Survey Map showing the Rother Vale golf course and clubhouse.


Handsworth Golf Club, Sheffield. O.S. Map showing the golf course and clubhouse.

O.S. Map Revised 1922; © Crown Copyright {year of publication 1924}.