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Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. (1894 - 1930s)

It was reported in May 1894 that major improvements were being made to the Gilsland Hotel and Spa. Amongst the additions would be a golf course.

Extract from the report on the improvements below.


Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on a proposed club and course in May 1894.

Newcastle Journal Wednesday 9 May 1894. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Report on the later club opening in June 1912.


Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the opening of the course in June 1912.


Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the opening of the course in June 1912.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle Tuesday 25 June 1912. Image © Trinity Mirror. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


The nine-hole course was opened in June 1912 by the Rev. W G Bird, Gilsland.


Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. The opening of the golf course in June 1912.

The opening of the Gilsland golf course.


From the early 1920s to the closure of the club the secretary was J C Hall, Schoolhouse, Gilsland. A 9-hole course with a membership of between 80 and 100. The L&NER station at Gilsland was ¾ mile away. Local hotels included the Spring House which was near the spa well and golf links also Orchard House, Spa, Dacre House and Raise House. Visitors’ fees in the early 1920s were 1/- a day, 3/6 a week, 5/- a fortnight and 7/6 a month.

Whist Drive and Club Dance in February 1923.


Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. Report on the Club dance and Whist Drive in February 1923.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle Wednesday 28 February 1923. Image © Trinity Mirror. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. Result of the April monthly competition.

North Star (Darlington) Friday 27th April 1923. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


In 1925 membership peaked at nearly 100. The professional and green-keeper was C Bennett who also held the course record of 31. Visitors’ fees were now 1/6 a day, 5/- a week, 7/6 a fortnight, 10/- a month.

In 1926 the green-keeper  was R Smith. Membership had gradually declined to about 80. Visitors’ fees were 1/6 a day, 1/- after 5pm, 2/- on Sundays, 4/- for the weekend, 6/- a week, 10/- a fortnight and 12/6 a month.

From the 1933 Golfer's Handbook; Membership 81; hon. secretary, J C Hall; green-keeper, R Smith.

Gilsland Golf Club, Cumbria. Location of the former course.

Location of the Gilsland course..