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Bracknell Golf Club, Berkshire. (1900 - WW1)

Report on the proposed golf club in December 1900.


Bracknell Golf Club, Berkshire. Report on the proposed golf club in December 1900.

Berkshire Chronicle Saturday 15 December 1900. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Report on the newly formed club in 1901.


Bracknell Golf Club, Berkshire. Newspaper report from January 1901.

From the Berkshire Chronicle Saturday 19 January 1901. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


It seems that the above attempt to start a club never materialised.

Formation of a later club below.


Bracknell Golf Club, Berkshire. Newspaper report from December 1901.

From the Berkshire Chronicle Saturday December 14th 1901. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The annual meeting of the Bracknell Golf Club was held in the Victoria Hall on the 9th of January 1903. Mr James Tweedie, an old St Andrews player, was in the chair. The year’s accounts were presented and showed a deficit on the ordinary expenses and also an amount due on the initial expenses of laying out the course. As this was the first year of the club’s existence, the meeting considered the report satisfactory, and with a view to increasing the membership it was decided to reduce the subscriptions to £1/1/0, there was no entry fee. The course in general was said to be much improved. The President of the club was the Hon Arthur Walsh and the joint secretaries were Mr S W Lawrence and Mr C B Wilson.

The following is from the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; Instituted, 1902; Secretary, S W Lawrence, Oakfield, Bracknell; Membership of 25; No Entry Fee and Subs, £2/2s; Ladies, £1/1s; Nine-holes; Amateur record, 34; Visitors' 3/6 a week and 20/- a month. The course is a short one. The grounds stands high and is situated in a picturesque spot, the soil is sandy, covered with good old-established turf, and a very and firm even in the wettest weather.


Bracknell Golf Club, Berkshire. Course location.

Location of the Bracknell course.

Grid reference SU88520,68780, co-ordinates 488520,168780.