Belmont Park Golf Club/New Eltham Golf Club, London. (1904 - 1920)
The Belmont Park Golf Club was founded in 1904.
Belmont Park eventually became New Elatham Golf club in the 1900s.
The professional from 1909 to 1912 was W Fletcher and from 1912 to 1919 N Dunn.
Report on an EGM held in March 1908.

Brockley News, New Cross and Hatcham Review Friday 6 March 1908. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Report on the fourth annual meeting in April 1908.

Brockley News, New Cross and Hatcham Review Friday 1 May 1908. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
In 1913/4 Belmont Park Golf Club had disappeared and New Eltham Golf Club appears. The secretary was G Filby, The Laurels, New Eltham and the professional was N W Dunn (1912 to 1919). A nine-hole undulating and sporting course. There was a membership of 100. Entry fee for gents was £1/1/0 and ladies 10/6. Subs for gents were £2/12/6 and ladies £1/6/3. Visitors’ fees were 1/6 for half a day and 2/6 a day. There were no restrictions for Ladies.
In July 1913 the captain's prize for the New Eltham club was won by R P G Holland, 79 net. T R Williams won the bogey medal with a score of
It was reported in November 1914 the “Gaekwar of Baroda is now on his way back to India with the determination to further golf in the State which he rules. The Gaekwar took up golf recently on the course of the New Eltham club.”
The picture below shows The Golf Club, Belmont. Could this be the clubhouse of the Belmont Park Golf Club?
If anyone has any further information please get in touch via the “Contact Us” facility on the website homepage.
The Ordnance Survey Map below shows the golf course at the time of WW1.
The Google Map below pinpoints the location shown on the above O.S Map.