Summersdale Golf Club, Chichester, Sussex.
The club was founded in 1904.
Summersdale professionals; Reginald Gray, 1904-1906; Arthur G Gray/ H Bowden 1907/8; W Barfoot, 1908-1911; G Chalk 1911-1913, (also early 1920s); G Clark, 1915-1926.
In 1904/5 the secretary was F Stride, East Street, Chichester, the captain was M F Mieville, and the professional Reginald Gray (finished 45th in the 1904 Open Championship). Course records were; professional, R Gray 41; amateur, M F Mieville 43.
The nine-hole course was laid out by James Braid in the summer of 1904. The course measured 3,370 yards with two holes over 500, and three over 400 yards with a bogey score of 43. There was no entry fee and subs were £2/2s; ladies £1/1s. There was a membership of 100 which was steadily increasing, and there was a “comfortable clubhouse.” Visitors’ on introduction, free for two days, afterwards 2/6 a day, 5/- a week and 15/- a month. Railway stations at Lavant, one mile, and Chichester one and a quarter miles.
Results from Easter competitions in April 1905.
Results from the Autumn meting in October 1905.
The final for the James Challenge Cup was played over 36-holes in May 1906 between Major Blake and M F Mieville. The match ended in favour of Mr Blake.
Advert from January 1908.
It was reported in July 1908 that a large attendance was expected at the Sussex Agricultural Show. The show ground was to be situated on the site of the Summerdale golf links.
The draw for the James Cup took place in December 1908; Dr. A K Stewart v Captain F W Weldon; H D Stride v W Sturtees; W O Stride v Captain Bellamy; F Stride v M F Mieville.
The winner of the monthly bogey for January 1909 was Capt. F W Weldon, 5down. The winner of the James Cup was Dr. A K Stewart.
In July 1913 the Sussex Yeomanary were encamped for fifteen days on the course, stating that it was an ideal situation for three to four hundred men and their horses.
So, it seems, that golf was taking a back seat to other events at Summersdale prior to WW1 with virtually no golf being recorded.
In the early and mid 1920s Summersdale Golf Club reappears. The secretary was Fred Stride, Summersdale, Chichester and the professional G Chalk. This was a 9-hole course. Course records were, amateur Dr A K Stuart 72, professional H Bowden 72. Visitors’ fees were 1/- a day, 5/- a week, 10/- a month. The station at Chichester was 1 ½ miles away. There was also a bus service available.
Summersdale Golf Club disappeared in the late 1920s.