Liskeard and District Golf Club, Cornwall. (1930 - WW2)
From the Western Morning News Saturday 2 April 1930 - "Formerly the golfer staying at Looe had to make a journey of twelve miles to Crafthole to play the Royal and Ancient game, but this is now remedied. Six miles away in the Liskeard area a new golf course has been opened. Although the links are not complete, play is possible."
In the early 1930s the secretary was W P Mann, Lloyd’s Bank Ltd., Liskeard. A 9-hole course. Visitors’ fees were 2/- a day, 10/- a week and £1 a month. The station at Liskeard was 2 ½ miles away. The club continued to be listed in Golfer's Handbook until the 1950s but it was a repetitive entry and it's likely that the club disappeared at the time of WW2
Below is a report on the March 1931 annual meeting.

Cornish Guardian Thursday 26 March 1931. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The Easter competitions in April 1931 were the first organised by the new club. Leading scores in the various competitions as follows; Medal Competition - A M Cunningham, 103-24-79; F T Roberts, 98-18-80; F Lyde Caunter, 89-8-81; L Reid, 96-15-81; E S Toogood, 112-20-92; Flag Competition - Mrs Lang; Eclectic Competition - C E Oliver, 37-9-28; Mrs Lang, 46-18-28; A M Cunningham, 43-12-31; M W T Roberts, 43-11-32; F Temple Roberts, 41-9-32; E S Toogood, 42-10-32; J R Canney, 45-12-33; One club Competition - W T Roberts, 104-24-80; W P T Roberts, 107-24-83; Miss Garrard, 122-36-86; E C Canney, 111-24-87; D R Venning, 113-24-89.
Reports on the annual meeting March 1932.

Western Morning News Friday 4 March 1932. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.

Cornish Guardian Thursday 10 March 1932.Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Competition result for the Wykes-Sneyd Cup played in June 1932.

Cornish Guardian Thursday 30 June 1932. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Below is the result of a match played in March 1933 at Liskeard against the recently formed Looe club at Bindown. The new club proved a major threat to the existence of the Liskeard Club.

Western Morning News Saturday 1 April 1933. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
One of Liskeard’s original members who played in the above match, Charles Edwin Olver of Tregarland, Morval, was responsible for Bindown’s foundation. At a meeting of the Looe club in it was emphasised that there would be no rivalry between the two clubs.
A meeting at the Public Rooms, Liskeard, on Tuesday 30 October 1934, received the report of the committee appointed to inquire in to the continuance of the golf course at Higher Lodge. J A Eliott presided. Mr S Maggs reported that there was a credit balance in the bank to the OLD golf club, and Dr B B Metcalfe stated that arrangements had been made with the Duchy of Cornwall, owners of the land, with a view to the appointment of joint trustees. Dr E S Toogood pointed out that the present lease would terminate on December 25, and moved that an extra-ordinary general meeting be called with a view to re-leasing the ground from the tenant, Mr Wills, and continuing the club. Dr N Garrard seconded, and the resolution was unanimously carried.
Thanks to Jim Lewis for the following - "The Liskeard club rose from its deathbed in the ante-room of the Public Hall at Liskeard in October 1934. Dr Metcalfe initiated a meeting of members which was chaired by J Allen Eliott. Metcalfe said that ‘the club had had a very nice little course at Coombe for five years, and it would be a great pity if all the time, energy and money spent on it were thrown away’. He revealed himself as one of the trustees andthe reserve fund of £100 to reinstate the course was also made known to the membership. The circumstances indicate that he had been outvoted by the other trustees when the decision to terminate the lease was made. J Wills, The Duchy’s tenant at Higher Coombe, had received permission to sub-let the course to the club and the Duchy agent T M Stanier promised to do everything he could to help the club continue, including becoming a non-playing member himself. Wills said he would sub-let the course at less than the Duchy were charging and if his sheep were allowed to graze the course he would cut the rough free of all charge. He calculated that the cost of returning the course to its original state would be about £100. The most expensive item would be the rebuilding of hedges and one member hoped that the Duchy would accept post-and-wire fences to replace them. Arthur Hugh, the incoming treasurer, had prepared a tight budget based on 50 members and he emphasised that the Liskeard course was not in competition with Bin Down and they had nothing but good wishes for it, referring to the "plus four men" who might want to play there. This was probably an allusion to golfers who were inclined to take the game really seriously. Bin Down was not expected to be open for play until June 1935 and the Liskeard members agreed in principle to keep their course open for another year. Following the extraordinary general meeting at the end of October when there was comment about the generous donations received from certain members in the club's early days and the car park "which was scarcely the asset they considered it." It was noted that the "cutter" was on its last legs and needed to be replaced.
New arrangements were finalised at the Liskeard club’s annual meeting in January 1935 where Reid and Roberts gave their final reports having officially resigned at the end of 1934. Membership had declined from 110 to 99. The trustees had terminated the lease and the £100 for the reinstatement of the course had been handed to the Duchy to hold in case of need. Interest on this amount would be paid to the club and all the property of the club was now vested in its members. It had still operated at a profit in 1934, partially due to "all the expenditure on maintenance of the greens etc." being stopped in anticipation of its closure. Morley had resigned as president and Wykes-Sneyd was reappointed having taken "a great practical interest in the continuance of the club". Reid and Roberts were thanked for their efforts as they departed for Bin Down. After the dramas of 1934 the club entered a period of stability in 1935 based around the enthusiasm of its members who provided gifts and unpaid work."
At the annual meeting in January 1936 it was stated that there had been renewed interest in the club and more use of the course by members during 1935. The acting secretary, Mr J T Pawlyn, reported that the general opinion was that the club had had a very successful year, and its continuance had been fully justified. The membership, however, had shown a small decline from 99 to 93. The excellent work of the greenkeeper was shown by the superb condition of the course. Dr B B Metcalfe said they should be aiming at membership of 100 plus, and this was definitely achievable.
Result of the Morrison Cup competition played in July 1936; W Kressinger, 97-24-73; Mrs L J Hancock, 110-36-74; H Leaman, 100-24-76. Result of the monthly medal; H Toms, 83-15-68; S Lewis, 92-18-74; T James, 92-18-74; B Spooner, 92-16-76.
Result of a mixed foursome match played in September 1936 against Fowey Golf Club at Liskeard.
Liskeard Golf Club | Fowey Golf Club | ||
Dr Toogood & Mrs Edgcumbe (6&5) | 1 | Dr O'Keefe & Mrs Sabian | 0 |
B Spooner & Mrs Hancock (half) | 0 | L R Williams & Mrs Maslen (half) | 0 |
H Toms & Mrs Toms (1up) | 1 | J H Rawlings & Mrs O'Keefe | 0 |
Dr Garrad & Mrs Badcock | 0 | V Carter & Miss Sabian (7&5) | 1 |
S Maggs & Miss Nuttall (1up) | 1 | L Maslen & Mrs Williams | 0 |
S Lew & Mrs Lew | 0 | L Rapson & Miss Mitchell | 1 |
3 | 2 |
Report on the annual meeting held in January 1937.

Cornish Guardian Thursday 28 January 1937. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Social at the Fountains Hotel in February 1937.
The monthly spoon below was won by Mr Lewis.
Competition results from September and October 1937; Wykes Sneyd Cup, D Drew beat Dr Toogood 4 & 3; Toogood Cup (ladies), Mrs K Mallett beat Mrs E Lewis at the 21st hole; September running medal, F Alford, 80-18-62; September running medal (ladies), Mrs K Mallett, 97-34-63.
Report from the Cornish Times 18 March 1938; “LISKEARD GOLF CLUB’S NEED – Twenty-five new members to ensure progress – A resolution was passed at the annual meeting of Liskeard Golf Club, held on Monday, to purchase a triple grass cutter at a cost of £120, and this will be ordered immediately. Mr D R Venning presided, and the annual report for the year ended 31 December 1937, presented by W P Mann and D Drew, joint hon. secretaries, stated that interest had been fully maintained, and several improvements made to the course. The membership was 99 compared with 100 for the previous year, and there was a further small increase in the balance in hand. It is necessary once again to stress the importance of an increased membership that our delightful course may be maintained in good condition, and further improvements made. An increase of 25 per cent would make all the difference. Our members are keen, but we need more of them. The sum of £70 had been raised and promised towards the cost of the new triple grass cutter. There are many members who have not yet contributed and we should be glad to hear from them as soon as possible. It is only fair that every playing member should contribute something towards this very necessary machine, which will effect a saving in the long run.
Our first annual ball was very successful and realised a profit of £4/8s/6d which has been set aside for the purchase of the grass cutter and is included in the £70 mentioned above. Our thanks are due to Messrs. W Phillips and E Symons for voluntary services rendered, and to the Press for publicity and club news. Our grounds-man, J Thompson, continues to render excellent service, and his labours are much appreciated. The Hon. Treasurer, A Haugh, presented the income and expenditure account. showing that on the year’s working the balance in hand had been increased by £5/16s/6d. The total income was £309/18s/1d. Green fees bought in £32/18s; Canteen profits, £16/16s/7d. The profit on balls was £6/6s, on cigarettes, £2/11s/9d. The expenditure included £115/10s/2d on wages; £65/17s on rents, rates and taxes; £6/19s/1d on repairs and renewals; £8/8s/9p on petrol and oil; £11 grass cutting.
The following were re-elected; President, Vice Admiral, R S Wykes-Sneyd; Joint hon. secretaries, W P Mann and D Drew; hon. treasurer, A Haugh; hon. auditor, C Wainwright; captain for 1938, Sidney Lewis; committee – Mrs K Mallett, Miss A Nuttall, Drs. N L Garrard and B B Metcalfe, C E Woodford, S J Crispin, H R and R Venning.”
The result of the Captain's prize played in September 1938 was a tie between E Symons, 86-18-68, and L J Hancock, 88-20-68. Lady captain's prize; Mrs L J Hancock, 96-28-68.
Result of a club match played at Whitsand Bay in September 1938, the home team also won the foursomes.
Whitsand Bay Golf Club | Liskeard Golf Club | ||
E Garland | 1 | C E Woodford | 0 |
Capt Kelly | 1 | F Alford | 0 |
A Lobb | 1 | S Lewis | 0 |
A Davey | 1 | H Leaman | 0 |
J Hanley | 1 | Capt Oddie | 0 |
C Hancock | 0 | S Maggs | 1 |
W J Bean | 1 | H Toms | 0 |
M Peiniger | 1 | Dr Raynes | 0 |
H Dyer | 0 | L Hancock | 1 |
Capt Williams | 1 | D R Venning | 0 |
8 | 2 |
The Liskeard & District club held its second annual dance in November 1938. There was a large attendance including members of neighbouring golf clubs. Entertainment was supplied by Nicholas and his Band, the M.C was Mr E Lewis.
Result of a match played in June 1939 against Fowey Golf Club (now also defunct).

Cornish Guardian Thursday 22 June 1939. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Report on the annual meeting held in March 1940.

Western Morning News Thursday 21 March 1940. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The information and images below were kindly provided by Mr and Mrs Kitto who now farm the land (2023). Mr Kitto recalls finding golf balls when he ploughed part of the course as a young man. Mr Kitto’s father reckoned that the course existed before WW1 and was subsequently abandoned before being reopened in 1930.
I would also like to thank Jim Lewis for his help in compiling the history of Liskeard Golf Club.
The Google Map below pinpoints the area around Higher Coombe