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West Cornwall Ladies’ Golf Club, Lelant. (1890s – 1930s)

The Ladies’ course adjoined the main course.

There are mentions of the Ladies’ course in the 1890s through to the 1930s.

Report on a competition played on the Ladies’ course in April 1892.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Result of the ladies' challenge cup April 1892.

The Cornish Telegraph Thursday 14 April 1892. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Report on the first competition played on the “new” ladies’ course in July 1894.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Competition played on "the new" ladies' course in 1894.

Lake’s Falmouth Packet and Cornwall Advertiser Saturday 14 July 1894. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Reports on the ladies’ club and course in 1897.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Officers elected for 1897.

“Golf” Friday 22 January 1897. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Result of a match played in March 1897.



West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Postcard showing the golf course in 1901.


From the 1905 Nisbet’s Golf Yearbook; West Cornwall Ladies’ Golf Club; Instituted, 1899; Number of members, 98; Hon. Secretary – Mrs A E Poland, Carbis Bay; Captain,  Miss K Horn; Entrance fee, £1/1s; Family Members, Nil; Subs, £2/2s; Family Members, 10s; Number of holes, 18; Amateur record; Miss Holmes, 73; Green-keeper, F Whiting; Terms for visitors, 2s a day, 7s/6d a week, £1/1s a month. The ladies’ course adjoins the men’s course. The bunkers consist of a disused quarry, sand hills, sand bunkers, gorrye (sic) and whins. The holes vary in length from 110 yards to about 350 yards.

Competition played on the ladies’ course in December 1908.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Competition played in December 1908.

St. Ives Weekly Summary Saturday 2 January 1909. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Result of a foursomes played on the ladies’ course in August 1909. Prize given by Lady Beaumont; Mrs Green and Mrs Lunt (8), 2up; Lady Beaumont and Mrs Tryingham (16), 2down; Miss Richardson and Mrs Quin (9), 3down; Mrs Ashmore and Miss E Harvey (6), 4down; Miss K Horn and Miss Cameron (5), 5down; Mrs Carter and Miss I Carter (11), 7down.

Result of the August 1914 monthly bogey competition; Miss Cameron (5) all square; Mrs Norwood Brown (13), 1down; Mrs Branwell (16), 1down; Miss Horn (5), 2down; Miss Allen (7), 3down; Miss R William (6), 5down; Mrs Deacon (5), 6down; Mrs Ratcliffe (11), 8down. It was decided by the ladies’ committee that, due to the gravity of the situation, all competitions to be postponed.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Report on the ladies' course in November 1924.

Cornish Post and Mining News Saturday 22 November 1924. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. Mention of the two courses combining.

Cornish Post and Mining News Saturday 6 February 1926. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Cornish Post and Mining News Saturday18 December 1926 – “As one who has played many a round on the Ladies’ Course at the West Cornwall I lower my flag to Commander Maxwell, who on Tuesday, did the nine-holes in bogey (35) playing with one club, a cleek! Although the holes are short they are tricky and this one-club feat is a staggering.”

Extract from a report from the Cornishman Thursday 4 April 1935 – “A general meeting, of unusual interest, of members of the West Cornwall Golf Club was held at Lelant on Saturday afternoon, to consider the advisability of making drastic changes on the links. Mr Barrie Bennetts, ex-captain was elected to the chair. Mr Eric L V Thomas expounded the scheme which involved adding 1,000 yards to the men’s course, abolishing the separate ladies course.” A long debate took place on the changes proposed to the course. The report concludes  – “The Lelant course – the long and short of it- is not only healthy, but beautiful, is always admired by American and other visitors – and ought to have a long career of popularity and become a training ground for young talent; but, more important still, a delightful resort for all who play for pleasure and good companionship rather than in the competitive and pot-hunting spirit, although the sporting element is also an admirable feature – in its place and at the proper time.”

Cornish Post and Mining News Saturday 8 June 1935 – “Only a few weeks ago Mr Lewis Thomas was well enough to be driven to the West Cornwall Golf Links as he was desirous of preserving the Ladies’ course intact and of safeguarding the amenities of the long course from hasty and undesirable buildings.” 

Ordnance Survey Map from the 1900s showing the Lelant golf course.


West Cornwall Ladies' Golf Club, Lelant. O.S. Map from the 1900s showing the Lelant golf course.

O.S. Map; Revised 1906; © Crown Copyright {year of publication 1908}.