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Crewkerne Golf Club, Somerset. (1907 - WW1)

The earlier club was founded in 1907 with a course at Roundham.

There were hopes of a revival of the club in 1920.

From the Exeter and Plymouth Gazette Tuesday 30 April 1907. "At Crewkerne a golf handicap was played on the Roundham Links on Saturday. The ladies' prize was halved by Mrs Gaye and Miss V Perry. The Rev. Prebendary H C Gaye carried of the other prize."

Extract from a report from the Western Gazette Friday 1 December 1911. "A NEW GOLF CLUB FORMED - A meeting was held at the Victoria Hall on Tuesday evening for the purpose of considering the forming of a golf club for the town and neighbourhood, Mr H W Paget-Hoskyns presided, an there was a large attendance - The chairman explained the object of the meeting and hoped it would result in the formation of a club - Dr. MacDermot proposed, and Mr A Hart seconded that a club be formed - this was carried unanimously - It was decided that the club be called "The Crewkerne Golf Club. The election of officers resulted as follows; President, H W Paget-Hoskyns; captain, the Rev. S W E Gilhar; committee - Revs. R V L Dashwood and L J Jackson, Dr. MacDermot, A Hart, A T Love, R G Lock, W H Nicholls, A A Crossley; hon. secretary and treasurer, R G Perkins. A ladies' committee would be formed at a later date. It was decided that the initial expenses should be raised by loan. Dr MacDermot stated that the site of the proposed links were situated by permission of Mr R G Lock, on his farm at Busby Wood. It may be mentioned that the nine-hole course would be 2,780 yards. Already a good number of members have enrolled."  

Report on the new course in February 1912.


Crewkerne Golf Club, Somerset. Report on the new golf course in February 1912.

Western Chronicle Friday 23 February 1912. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Result of a bogey competition played at the Crewkerne & District Golf Club in November 1912; Dr MacDermot, 6down; Rev S W E Gilliat, 6down; P G Perkins, 7down; J O Kemball, 7down. The Ladies' competition was won by Mrs Dashwood, runner-up Miss Gilliat.  

Result of the November 1913 monthly medal; P G Perkins, 85-15-70; Dr. MacDermot, 89-15-74.

In 1914 the secretary was R G Perkins, Bank House. The professional was H Lafolley. A 9-hole course with a membership of 70. Subs for gents were £1/1/0 and ladies 10/6.  Visitors fees were 1/- a day, 5/- a week and 10/- a month. Sunday play was not allowed. The railway station was 3 miles away.

Crewkerne Golf Club, Somerset. Golf course location.

The course was situated north of the A30, adjoining Haslebury Mill.
Grid location ST45930,11205, co-ordinates 345930,111205.


The Google Map below pinpoints Haselbury Mill, course adjoined.



The earlier Crewkerne Golf Club disappeared after WW1.

Hopes of a revival of the club in March 1920.


Crewkerne Golf Club, Somerset. Hopes of a revival in 1920.

Langport & Somerton Herald Saturday 27 March 1920. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.