Nether Stowey Golf Club, Bridgwater, Somerset. (1905 - WW1)
Founded in 1905.
A 9-hole course situated on a grass meadow. The season was from October to June. The club had a membership of just 21. There was no entry fee. Subs were £1/1/0. Visitors’ fees were 1/6 a day. Sunday play was not allowed. There were stations at Bridgwater 8 miles and Williton 9 miles away.
On Tuesday 14 September 14 Nether Stowey visited Minehead and West Somerset Golf Club. The home team won by seven matches to one.
In 1914 the secretary was H L T Blake.
Nether Stowey Golf Club disappeared after WW1.
Although the exact location of the course is unknown it was only a few minutes’ walk from the village centre.