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Kilkeel Golf Club, Cranfield, Co. Down. (1924 - WW2)

Following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Belfast News-Letter on Saturday 3 May 1924. Unfortunately some parts of the text are illegible. “At a meeting held in the Kilmorey Arms, KIlkeel, the Earl of Kilmorey presiding, it was decided to form a golf club for Kilkeel and rules for governing of the same were drawn up. The Earl and Countess were appointed Honorary Members as a slight token of the clubs appreciation of their kindness in presenting the ground for the links at a nominal rent. The course is situated at Cranfield, a short distance from Kilkeel, near the Carlingford Lough, a natural course with excellent turf amid beautiful scenic surroundings. The office bearers as follows; President and first captain, Earl of Kilmorey; secretary, R Farr?; assistant secretary, M Healey, Provincial Bank; treasurer, J A Givens; council – J Moore, A S Carey, M.A., J Marmion, R B McBirney, James Ross, J.P; P J Walsh; Rev. J McBride, Rev R R Walker.

From the Belfast News-Letter Saturday 7 June 1924 - "Before a large number of spectators on Thursday evening Lady Kilmorey drove the first ball on the new golf course at Cranfield, Kilkeel. Mr Dobson, on behalf of the club, thanked Lady Kilmorey, and expressed regret at the unavoidable absence in London of Lord Kilmorey. They were grateful to the Earl Countess for their kindness in presenting ground to the club."


Kilkeel Golf Club, Cranfield, Co. Down. Postcard showing the Kilkeel Golf Links.

Postcard showing the Lighthouse Cafe and Kilkeel Golf Links.


A competition was played in September 1924. The Earl of Kilmorey and J C Ferguson tied for first place with A F Green and Miss Berry with a score of 44; Rev. J McBride and Mrs Doyle, 45; Lord Tweedale and Captain French Beytagh, 46; Hon. Curzson and Mrs French Beytagh, 48; David McAtee and P Ferguson, 48; Rev. J McKee and R J Ferguson, 50; P J Walsh and Mrs Fisher, 50; William J Hanna and Thomas Taylor, 52; D McConville and J F Morgan, 53; C C Faulkiner and W A Wilson, 54; F R Russell and Mr Healey, 55.


Kilkeel Golf Club, Cranfield, Co. Down. Report on the annual meeting July 1929.

Report from the Northern Whig Saturday 27 July 1929.


The annual meeting was held in July 1930. It was reported that there had been a large increase in membership to over 100. The Captain’s Prize was won by D J Sheehan, and the scratch medal by Mr Linton. The club’s debt over the year had been reduced by over £110. The following officers were elected; Captain, F G White; hon. secretary V N Corrigan; hon. treasurer, R J Ferguson; committee – Messrs. Bell, Hannah, McKeown, Dobson, Dawson, Linton and Armstrong. Mrs Doyle was elected ladies’ captain.

In the final of the Kilmorey Cup at Cranfield in October 1930 F Russell beat T H Armstrong by 7up.

F G Whyte, J.P., outgoing captain, presided at the annual meeting in June 1932. The following officers were elected; President, Earl of Kilmorey; captain, Robert G Ferguson; hon. secretary D J Sheehan; hon. treasurer, A Allen; committee – A S Carey, J F Morgan, J B McKeown; W A L Wilson, W J Hanna, R A Linton, J J Dawson, J O F Cleery; J Bell, F R Russell and Sergeant Feeney.


Kilkeel Golf Club, Cranfield, Co. Down. Report on the annual dance February 1940.

From the Belfast News-Letter Monday 19 February 1940. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


The clubhouse, a tin hut, adjoined the former Marigold Tea Gardens (later the “Kabin”.) At the other end of the golf course was the Lighthouse Café.

During the late 1940s and 50s the course lay abandoned.

It eventually became the Chestnutt Holiday Park.

Following WW2 the golf club moved to its new course at Mourne Park on the Kilmorey Estate.

The Google Map below shows the location of the former Kilkeel golf course at Cranfield.