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Course Atlas

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Fortwilliam Golf Club, Fortwilliam Park. (1891 - 1897)

The first nine-hole course was a seasonal course (November – March). The land owner required the land for the growing of crops during the summer months.

The club moved to its current location at Downview Avenue in 1903.

Report on the earlier course in November 1891.


Fortwilliam Golf Club, Fortwilliam Park. Report on the new club in November 1891.


Fortwilliam Golf Club, Fortwilliam Park. Report on the new club in November 1891.


Fortwilliam Golf Club, Fortwilliam Park. Report on the new club in November 1891.

Northern Whig Monday 16 November 1891. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Result of a match played in March 1895.


Fortwilliam Golf Club, Fortwilliam Park. Result of a match played in March 1895.

Northern Whig Thursday 14 March 1895. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.