Tanatallon Golf Club, Mountcharles, County Donegal. (1930s - 1980s)
First appeared in 1929.
It was still being listed in the Golfer’s Handbook into the 1980s. It was a repetitive entry therefore it likely that the club disappeared much earlier.
Below is a report on the competition for the Captain's Prize played in May 1932.
Below result of a golf competition played in August 1932.
For the majority of the time the secretary was M O’Boyle the professional was P Wallace and the green-keeper N Harvey. A 9-hole course with a membership of 70. The railway station at Mount Charles was ½ mile away. Visitors fees were 1/6 a day, 2/- on Sundays. Local hotel was McIntyre's.
The following report is from February 1939. “The Tanatallon Golf Links, Glencoagh, have been recently purchased by James Boyle, Letterbarrow.” It seems the club had moved location, but was still in existence.
A whist drive in aid of the golf club was held in March 1939 in the Tanatallon Hall, organised by Mrs Canning and Mrs Mrs Meehan, Mr J Cunningham was M.C.
The Google Map below shows Station Road. The former golf course was half a mile from the former station. If anyone can help with the exact location of the railway station or the golf course please get in touch via the “Contact Us” facility on the website homepage.