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Charleville Golf Club, County Mayo. (1909 – WW1)

The original club first appeared in 1909 with a course on the racecourse grounds.

From the Cork Examiner Tuesday 7 December 1909 – “CHARLEVILLE GOLF CLUB – At a general meeting, held at the Royal Hotel, it was decided to start a nine-hole course on the racecourse grounds. The following were elected on the committee; W F Cotton. P Calvert, C B McAllister, H C Halloran, J P Moran, M Cahill. The committee elected  B McAllister, hon. secretary and treasurer. Robert Sanders was elected president and C F Drew and Mr Taaffe vice-president.”

From the Irish Times Saturday 11 December 1909 – “The new club at Charleville will be of a great advantage to a large district. The course is to be on the racecourse, and, by the way great care should be taken to prevent any balls being left about on the ground before racing. The club has a strong committee, and the president is Robert Saunders, with C F Drew and J G Taafe as vice-presidents. I trust it will add one more to the many flourishing provincial clubs we have all over Ireland.”

The club was listed in the Irish Golfers Guide in 1910. It did not appear between 1911 and 1916.


Charleviille Golf Club, County Mayo. Report on the club in April 1913.

Sport (Dublin) Saturday 12 April 1913. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Nothing further found.

The current club was founded in 1941.

If anyone can help with the exact location of the first course please get in touch via the "Contact Us" facility on the website homepage.