Eastwood Golf Club, Glasgow. (1891 - 2019)
The club was founded in 1891.
The original course lay between Giffnock and Thornliebank, to the south of the railway line. This area is now known as Orchard Park. Names suggested for the club included Giffnock and Robslee, but these were rejected in favour of Eastwood.
The club moved to a new course at Muirshield which opened for play in 1937 and continued at this location until closure in May 2019.
The article below is from The Evening Times 28 September 1891.
Further report on the new club and course in October 1891.
The course on the 1890s Ordnance Survey Map.
In February 1892 it was reported that Willie Campbell, professional golfer, had inspected land for a nine-hole course at Greenock. He reported that the area selected could eventually be made into an eighteen-hole course.
In March 1892 the Eastwood club secured the services of the young professional James Douglas as their green-keeper. Douglas had previously worked at North Berwick and he had “laboured with a right royal will to get the course into proper golfing order.”
The course was opened on 14 May 1892 by Mrs Mann, wife of the club captain, who was presented with a putter which is still given today to the runner up in the Club Championship. The event of the day was a foursomes match involving Ben Sayers (North Berwick) and David Armstrong (St Andrews) against George Douglas (North Berwick) and James Douglas (Eastwood). Two rounds of the nine-holes were played, George and James Douglas eventually winning on the eighteenth.
Following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Glasgow Herald on 16 May 1892. It provides an interesting description of the course. “The hazards are so well distributed that no two holes are alike. Unlike many inland courses, over which one may go over with a putter and cleek, the Giffnock green calls into play the lofting iron. The holes that may be approached by running up, and the golfer who has learned to play mashie approaches will have the best chance, as over running the green is fatal. The record of the green, by James Douglas, is 41, but this will be reduced when the hazards are toned down a little by playing.”
The monthly medal was held at Giffnock on Saturday 5 November 1892, result as follows; John Bremner, 114-18-96; William Kelly, 105-9-96; Thomas Mitchell, 107-6-101; A MacGibbon, 119-14-105; William Boyd sen, 129-22-107; J Neville, 120-12-108; John Edgar, 131-21-110.
Despite the earlier optimism the club did not succeed and all the members resigned at the end of 1892, moving to form Pollok Golf Club.
The course was unused until 1893, when Eastwood Golf Club was re-formed by the YMCA, it reopened in 1894.

From the Scottish Referee Monday 14 May 1894. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The AGM was held at the Christian Institute on Wednesday 28 March 1900, Mr T Eaton Robinson in the chair. The satisfactory annual report was produced by the secretary, John S Samuel. Membership was about 260, with the full complement of 50 ladies. James Airlie jnr, treasurer, submitted the financial report which showed a credit balance of £27/8s/6d. The chairman presented the Eastwoodhill and Overtoun medals to George Fox and T Tullis Cochran respectively. The following appointments were made; William Crookston, captain; R B Galloway, vice-captain; John S Samuel, secretary; James Airlie jnr, treasurer; Adam Smith succeeded James Morgan as match secretary.
Result of the Eastwoodhill and Overtoun medals played at Giffnock on Saturday 18 August 1900. The Eastwoodhill medal, for “Class A” players, was won by George Fox jnr, 77+3-80. The Overtoun medal, for “Class B” players, was won by H M Thomson, 97-14-83. Other scores; John Stevenson, 95-11-84; T Chalmers, 99-14-85; A G R Copeland, 99-3-87; James Tait, 98-11-87; Peter McArthur, 102-14-88; William Graham, 89-1-88; William Patterson, 102-11-91.
Proposed new course at Lyoncross in December 1904.

Edinburgh Evening News Tuesday 27 December 1904. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
From the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; Founded, 1891; Number of members, 280, 80 ladies; Hon. secretary - A C Aitken, 65 Bath Street, Glasgow; Captain, Adam Smith; Entrance fee, £1, subs, 10s; Nine-holes; Professional, Hugh Morris; Professional record, Ben Sayers, 72; Amateur record, J H Irons, 68. A very interesting course although it is rather short. Bogey 74.
The course was extended to 18-holes in 1911. Glasgow Corporation took over part of the land to extend the cemetery, leaving the altered course at 5089 yards, SSS69.
In August 1925 Robert W Peattie (Cupar) defended his title of boy amateur champion in the final at Barnton. His opponent was A A McNair, of the Eastwood Golf Club. The final was over 36-holes with Peattie winning by 4 and 3.
A sign of things to come with the developers. The following article is from The Scotsman Saturday 11 October 1930. "BUILDERS AND EASTWOOD COURSE - Members of the Eastwood Golf Club, whose course is situated in the Giffnock district of Glasgow, were circularised yesterday to the effect that the Giffnock Estates Co. (Ltd.,) from whom they lease the ground, were proposing to use part of the course for house-building purposes.
The circular states; "The taking of the ground will deprive the club of part of the sixteenth and seventeenth fairways, the sixteenth green, and the tees of the seventeenth hole. If the Giffnock Estates Co.'s present intention is carried out, the club will also in a short time be deprived entirely of the area comprising the sixteenth and seventeenth holes and the higher part and green of the second hole. The seriousness of the position is thus apparent."
A special meeting of the club members is to be held next Friday to consider the position, when alternative proposals will be submitted."
In 1932, Eastwood was the first club to introduce 3 ball matches in medal play, in an attempt to reduce delays.
On 12th May 1936, immediately before the Club were due to hold a meeting to discuss buying the land themselves, they were informed that it had been sold to builders and their lease was to terminate on 28th December 1936.
The report below from March 1937 on the new course at "Fenwick Moor".

Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail Wednesday 3 March 1937. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Below the club at Muirshield from 1937 to 2019.
Henry Cotton to visit Eastwood in April 1938.
An advert from March 1941 – Golfers will find relaxation and health-giving exercise in the bracing moorland air at Muirshield, Logan’s Well. Temporary members are admitted on payment of three pounds; Ladies one pound ten shillings till 31st December 1941. Application forms can be obtained from the secretary; R D Brand, 59 Bath Street, Glasgow.
From the Golfer’s Handbook 1947-1951; Eastwood Golf Club, Muirshield, Logan’s Well; membership of 470 gents and 250 ladies; secretary – J W Jarvie, C.A., 24 St.Vincent Place, Glasgow; professional, J Logan; green-keeper, T Blakely; 18-holes Par and SSS 72.
Result of the Eastwood Quaich played in September 1949.

Sunday Mail (Glasgow) Sunday 11 September 1949. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
GH 1955-1961; Secretary – W K Goold, 7 Royal Bank Place, Glasgow; professional and green-keeper, A MacPherson; course records – amateur; R McAndrew, 67; professional; J Panton, 68; 18-holes, 5,634 yards; visitors on introduction, 2s/6d, Sundays, 5s.
GH 1964; Secretary – J L Hutchison, 178 Bath Street, Glasgow; professional and green-keeper, A MacPherson; course records – amateur; S W T Murray, 67; professional; Peter Mills, 67; 18-holes, 5,659 yards.
GH 1966-1975; Secretary – George Brownlie, 41 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow; professional and green-keeper, A MacPherson; course records – amateur; J Winning, 66 (1960s) W Smeaton, 65 (1972) D B Howard, 64 (1975); professional; Peter Mills, 67; 18-holes, 5,816 yards, SSS 68; visitors on introduction, 5s, Sundays, 7s/6d.
GH 1982-1990s; Secretary, R W McBride (1982-85) C Scoular (1988-90s); professional, Kendal McWade; amateur course record; I A Carslaw, 62; professional; Peter Mills, 67.
GH 1998; Professional, Alan McGinness; 18-holes 5,864 yards, SSS 69; designed by J Moon; visitors, £24.
Below are pictures of the Eastwood scorecard prior to the M77 extension in the early 2000s.
GH 2004-14; Sectretary, I Brown, S Wilson (2009); professional, Iain Darroch; 18-holes 6,071 yards, SSS 69; designed by G Webster.
Professional 2019; Steven Maxwell; Captain 2019, Iain King.
Due to construction of a new section of the M77 the course was reconfigured in the early 2000s and re-opened in 2003. Eastwood gained a reputation as a quality and challenging moorland course set in open countryside with stunning views.
The club remained at the Logan’s Well, Muirshield, location until closure in May 2019.
Alan McPherson is playing all of Scotland’s golf courses to raise funds for Cancer Research. Alan played the Muirshield course prior to its closure and is blog entry can be seen on the link below.
The plan of the course below appeared on a plaque on the pro's shop.
The pictures below show the course prior to closure.
We would like to thank Dr. Douglas Lockhart who provided the photographs below. They were taken in May and August in 2019. It can be seen, especially with the wet/warm summer, how quickly the grass has grown.

Cairn at the Clubhouse on 31 May - Eastwood was one of the teams that played in the Brand Putter League. Thanks again to Dr. Douglas Lockhart for the pictures above.
Douglas visited the course and took more pictures (below) of the gradual deterioration on September 9th 2019.
Below are pictures taken by Dr. Douglas Lockhart on 21 September 2019. They show how quickly the course has deteriorated.
Douglas Lockhart visited the site on 15 October 2020 and sent us the pictures below. He also provided the following update on the club/course - “The holes on the north side of the minor road that divides the course have almost been restored to playable by the sole green-keeper. According to a walker the plan is to open a 12-hole pay and play course in 2021. The holes on the north side including 1; 17 and 18 are only being roughly cut to check grass growth.”
Douglas Lockhart visited on Monday 16 November and provided the following pictures and update. “Holes 1-3 and 17/18. Its clear that these now are lost - there has been no attempt to save the greens and the fairways although roughly cut are in very poor shape”.

17th green/fairway; 18th tees beyond. The ground closer to the camera was part of the former practice area.
Thanks to Douglas Lockhart who visited the course on Saturday 12 December 2020 and took the pictures below. The course was re-configured when the construction of the M77 began. The pictures below are of holes four and eleven which were lost when the motorway was built.
The above picture shows old par 3 fourth green in the foreground; tees were in front of right hand clump of trees in the distance; the third hole is just over the ridge.
View from the tees at old hole four; sixteenth hole coming downhill at right angles behind hedges; seventeenth tee where person in red is standing.
Old hole four from the third fairway; holes post M77 thirteenth, fourteenth and sixteenth in the distance.
Eleventh hole of the pre M77 layout from the tee; the conifer trees have almost certainly grown across part of the driving line. The ground in front of the tees is very marshy.
Standing close to the edge of the cut area adjacent the green at old 10/later 15 looking across the Old Mearns Road to pre M77 11th tee. Note a small tree has fallen over at 45 degree angle. The metal gate posts next to the tree on the far side of the Old Mearns Road is where a path led to the tees.
Another view of the old metal gate posts.
The Google Map below shows the location of the Muirshield course.