Biggar Golf Club, South Lanarkshire. (1895 - 1907)
The club was founded in 1895.
Report on the proposed club in June 1895.

Hamilton Herald and Lanarkshire Weekly News Friday 7 June 1895. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Report from the Scotsman 26 June 1895 - "Suitable ground having been obtained for a golf course it was opened for play yesterday by Miss Thomson of Huntsfield in presence of a large number of spectators. Provost Lindsay in name of the members, thanked Miss Thomson for performing the pleasing duty and presented her with a silver mounted cleek as a souvenir of the event. The course, which is a nine-hole one, is pleasantly situated, and commands a magnificent view of the Clyde valley".
From Golf Weekly 12 July 1895 – “A neat little golf course has been laid out at Biggar which will afford to players capital practice at the short game. The course was recently opened by Miss Thomson of Huntsfield”.
Report on the annual meeting held in October 1896.

Hamilton Herald and Lanarkshire Weekly News Friday 23 October 1896. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The first nine-hole course was laid out at Langlees.

The Langlees course is marked in the centre of the above map. Reproduced from the {1897] Ordnance Survey Map.
The club continued at Langlees until the early 1900s.
Result of the August 1900 monthly competition; Scratch Medal - T B Murray, 98; Andrew Selkirk, 101; Handicap Medal - Andrew Affleck, 107-21-86; T B Murray, 98-1-97.
The second nine-hole course was laid out at Heavyside in 1901. It was opened by Old Tom Morris in April 1901 although he had no input in the laying out of the course. The club continued at the Heavyside course until 1907.
Result of the November 1902 medal; Scratch - A Selkirk, 105; Handicap - John N Lindsay, 110-20-90.
The following is from the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; Membership of 95; Hon. secretary - J Boa; Captain - J Brunton, Blowhill, Biggar; Entrance fee 3s and subs 7s/6d; nine-holes; Amateur record - J Brunton, 38 single round, and 84 double round; Visitors' fees, 1s a day, 2s/6d a week and 5s a month. "The course is situated about a mile out of town on the estate of Heavyside. There is a splendid pavilion with accommodation for both ladies and gentlemen, with every convenience. The course is well kept, and is always in good condition, and has a number of natural hazards."
The club moved to its current location in 1907.
The upper Google Map pinpoints the location of the first Biggar course at Langlees.
The lower map shows the location of the second course at Heavyside.