Cecil Golf Club, Coatbridge, Lanarkshire. (1922 – WW2)
The club had a twelve-hole course and was founded in 1922, it continued until WW2.
Below is a short history of the club from the Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser in January 1953.
Competition results from June 1923.
A D Evans, secretary, appealed for a large attendance for the annual meeting in the Burgh Hall, Calder Street, on Saturday 15 March 1924.
The second annual social, prize presentation, whist drive and dance took place in the Rosehall Welare Hall in January 1925, the president, J Walker in the chair. Mr A D Evans, vice-president, presented the prizes to the following; Ladies’ Championship – Mrs T Kerr (silver rose bowl); Gent’s Championship – W Law (silver cup); Monthly Medal – Mr F Sinclair (stationery cabinet.) Mrs G Rae, wife of the club captain, handed out the whist prizes.
In 1927 the club secretary was William Laurie, 5a Brown Street, Coatbridge.
In November 1937 an application for a water supply to the clubhouse was granted by the Coatbbridge District Water Board.