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Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course. (1900 – 1937)

The club was Instituted in 1900.

Report on the proposed Golf Club in May 1900.


Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course, Lanarkshire. Report on the formation of a golf club in June 1901.

Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser Saturday 2 June 1900. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Report on the opening of the course in June 1900.


Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course, Lanarkshire. Report on the opening of the course in June 1900.

Kilsyth Chronicle Saturday 16 June 1900. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Map showing the Grenfaulds Golf Course.


Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course, Lanarkshire. Ordnance Survey Map from 1920 showing the golf course.

Ordnance Survey Map © Crown Copyright {year of publication 1920} .


Attempt to re-open the course in February 1923.


Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course, Lanarkshire. Attempt to reopen the golf course in February 1923.

Kirkintilloch Gazette Friday 16 February 1923. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


The club is restarted in March 1923.


Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course, Lanarkshire. The golf club is restarted in March 1923.

Falkirk Herald Saturday 17 March 1923. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Kirkintiloch Gazette Friday 29 February 1924 – “CUMBERNAULD GOLF CLUB – At the anusl meeting on Tuesday, Mr Brown, retiring captain, presided. The treasurer submitted his financial statement. The secretary reporting on the years work, said when in February 1923, a little group gathered round the hospitable fireside at “Beechwood” to discuss the resuscitating of Cumbernauld Golf Club they little thought their efforts would meet with such enthusiastic and generous response. Their balance sheet showed the clubhouse venture was an unqualified success, because the clubhouse appeared not as a load of debt to be removed by bazaar, sale of work or whist drive, but as an asset to the club.The club were particularly indebted to those members who gave so freely of their time and energy in the construction of the clubhouse, in the laying out and improvements of greens, and in the provision of sand-boxes, flags, tins, tee-discs, and other items, and in providing refreshments at the opening meeting. Honoured by being trusted with the guidance of those activities, he knew with what smiling determination they were carried out even in the face of considerable discomfort. The balance sheet indicated secondly that a considerable amount of labour had been expended on the course. They appreciated the improvement which had been made there. An item on the balance sheet, the surplus from the teas, indicted an innovation of considerable importance. There were many items representing little in the report, but much in the planning and execution; many little drops of encouragement which swelled that satisfaction which was felt in a balanced account, with a course in large measure as they would like it to be, and every likelihood that no increased subscription was necessary. Captain Alan Burns had agreed to remain as president, and expressed a desire to offer a prize for competition, while Captain Nelson-Scott had also consented to remain as vice-president, and had renewed his offer of a prize.

Mr D M Aitken was appointed captain. Officials re-elcted or appointed were – secretary, William G Sword; treasurer, Mr S Y Shand, jun; committee – Boyd, Brown, Crawford, Kerr, Logie and Marshall”.

The competition for the captain’s prize was played on Saturday 19 July 1924 when T Y Shand beat W Sword by 3 and 1. Mr D M Aitken presented the prize at the conclusion of the game.

Special meeting held in October 1925.


Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course, Lanarkshire. Special meeting held in October 1925.

Kirkintilloch Gazette Friday 16 October 1925. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Annual meeting in March 1935. 


Cumbernauld Golf Club, Greenfaulds Course, Lanarkshire. Annual meeting held in March 1935.

Kirkintilloch Gazette Friday 15 March 1935. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Kirkintilloch Gazette Friday 27 August 1937 – “Cumbernauld Golf Club, which has now ceased to function, after paying all accounts, etc., unanimously decided that the balance of £4 be handed over to Glasgow Royal Infirmary. This decision has been carried into effect”.