Bridge of Weir Golf Club, Renfrewshire. (1896 - WW1)
The club was founded in 1896.
Below is a report on the new golf club in June 1896.

From the Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette Saturday 13th June 1896. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Result of a competition played on Saturday 14th November 1896; A Holmes jun., 118-15-103; Robert Alexander, 108-3-105; J Erskine, 114-6-108; James Wilson, 111 scratch.
Result of a competition played in November 1897; William Browning, 114-9-105; John Borland, 107 scratch; Robert Borland, 120-12-108; David Raeside, 109 scratch; James Cameron, 115-6-109.
Below is a report on the annual meeting held in May 1901.

From the Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette Saturday 25th May 1901. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
In August 1903 the Bridge of Weir Golf Club travelled to Glasgow to play a match against the now defunct Caledonian Golf Club, result below.

From the Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette Saturday 5th September 1903. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Below a presentation to the secretary in November 1903.

From the Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette Saturday 5th December 1903. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
From the 1905 Nisbet’s Golf Yaerbook; Station at Bridge of Weir 10 minutes; Entrance fee nil and subs 10 shillings; Monthly tickets 5s; The course is of nine-holes, of a sporting character, with holes varying from 180 yards to 400 yards. Situated in beautiful scenery and surroundings.
It was reported in December 1905 that the club were on the lookout for a new club master. Ben Sayers jun., who had carried out the duties since June the previous year, was leaving to fill a lucrative appointment elsewhere.
In 1906 the secretary was Edward S Fox, Barngill, Bridge-of-Weir. A 9 hole course, the course records were: (a) 34; (p) 37.
In 1914 the secretary was J Tod junior, Lade Bank Terrace, Bridge-of-Weir. A 9 hole sporting course with holes varying from 180 to 400 yards. There was no entry fee, subs were 10/- Visitors’ fees were 5/- a month. The station was only 10 minutes away.
Also listed in 1914 was the Bridge-of-Weir and Ranfurly Ladies’ Golf Club which was founded in 1896. Secretary Miss Dunn, Redclyffe, Bridge-of-Weir. 9 Holes with a membership of 270. Entry fees were £1/1/0 and subs 10/6d. Visitors’ fees were 1/- a day, 3/- a week, 7/6d a month, no Sunday play.
The Ordnance Survey Map below shows Lochend Farm and Clevans Farm to the east, with a golf course marked to the west. This is part of the Ranfurly Castle course that came into being in 1903.
Bridge-of-Weir Golf Club disappeared after WW1.
Golf courses Bridge of Weir.
The postcard above showing the Bridge of Weir “Golf Courses” was posted on 24th August 1913.
There were actually four courses at Bridge of Weir at this time; Bridge of Weir & Ranfuly Ladies (information above). Bridge of Weir Thistle Golf Club (see separate entry). Ranfurly Castle was formed in 1899 it moved to its current location in 1903, Ranfurly Castle Ladies Club was formed in 1924 and amalgamated with the main club around the time of WW2. Old Ranfurly Golf Club was founded in 1905 and plays on the site vacated by Ranfurly Castle in 1903.
The Google Map below shows Lochend Farm location of the Bridge of Weir Golf Club course.