Collieston Golf Course, Aberdeenshire. (1900 - WW2)
It was reported in the Oban Times in May 1900 that a new golf course was being laid out 300 yards from the Marine Hotel (apologies for the quality of the print).

Oban Times and Argyllshire Saturday 19 May 1900. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Ordnance Survey Map from 1899 1901 showing the Marine Hotel.
A nine hole course laid out by Old Tom Morris in 1900 for Lady Cathcart, who had acquired land near Collieston. The course was constructed to commemorate the building of the new pier.
From the Dundee Courier Thursday 14 June 1900 - "St Andrews - Tom Morris is to journey to Collieston, near Aberdeen, on Monday, to lay out a golf course there."
The following article appeared in the St Andrew Citizen on Saturday 23 June 1900 - "Consecration of Collieston Golf Course - "Old Tom" Morris was busy in the early part of the week superintending the laying out of the new course at Collieston, near Aberdeen. The course is a nine holes' one, and Tom says that it gives promise of turning out a very nice green. The most of the holes are short, although there is one which extends to about 300 yards. "Tom" speaks favourably of the greens, one of which in particular will, in his opinion, soon be as good as the Hole on St Andrews Links. When a course is laid out under the eye of the "G. O. M. of Golf," it may be said to be consecrated. He had a conversation with the Earl of Aberdeen, one of the veteran's many friends, at Aberdeen Station, and his Lordship extended to him an invitation to visit his course at Haddo House in the autumn."
From the Aberdeen People's Journal Saturday 18 August 1900 - "The nine-hole course at Collieston recently laid out by Tom Morris has been opened for play. The course has some good hazards, and will furnish a pleasant game."

From the Buchan Observer and East Aberdeenshire Advertiser Tuesday 21 August 1900. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
It continued until the outbreak of WW2 when the course was taken over by the war office for tank training.
Below are pictures of the area once occupied by the former golf course taken in July 2016. Many thanks to Neil Birnie jnr.
Grid reference NK03245,27640, co-ordinates 403245,827640.