Lonmay Golf Course, Aberdeenshire. (1890s - 1900s)
Little is known about Lonmay other than it was a small private course laid out by Old Tom Morris.
The following is an extract from a book called "The Golf Greens of United Kingdom - With Plans" dating from the mid 1890s:-
"There is a small private green at Lonmay, north of the Granite City, and this may perhaps be called an Aberdeen course. It has a good situation, and Old Tom Morris was the architect."
Unfortunately no plan of the Lonmay course was given in the article so the exact location of the course remains a mystery.
Below a later visit by Tom Morris to St Combs in May 1903.

Peterhead Sentinel and General Advertiser for Buchan District Saturday 23 May 1903. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The following report is from the Fraserburgh Herald Tuesday 17th November 1903. "Mr Weir the Cruden Bay professional went over the proposed St Combs golf course the other day and spoke very highly of the character of the course. With a little expenditure it could be made one of the finest courses in the country. Since the extension of the light railway to St Combs many golfers have visited the district, and all have been impressed with its golfing possibilities. Undoubtedly there is a bright future for St Combs."
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