Cluny Hill Hydropathic Golf Course, Muiryshade. (1902 – WW2)
Originally a nine-hole course.
In 1912 Willie Park designed the new eighteen-hole course.
In 1904 Forres Golf Club lost their course on Kinloss Links and they moved to play on the Hydropathic course. Unfortunately the Forres club had to play second fiddle to the hotel guests who had priority on the golf course at this time.
Fees in 1903.
From the 1905 Nisbet’s Golf Yearbook; Cluny Hill Hydro and Forres Golf Clubs; Number of members, 100; Hon. Secs., – William Grant, Soloicitor, Hydro, Forres; John Burn, Solicitor, Forres Club; Captain, Rev Mr Peebles; Entrance fee, nil and subs, £1/1s; Nine-holes; Professional, Alick Marling 38 for nine-holes; Course records; Professional; James Braid, 36; Amateur; J Craik, 41; Terms for visitors, 1s a day, 2s/6d a week, 5s a month, £1/1s per annum.
Ordnance Survey Map from the 1900s showing the golf course.
Report on the course from December 1913.
Becomes the current Muiryshade/Forres Golf Club course in the mid 1940s.