Abernethy Golf Club, Perth & Kinross. (1908 – WW1)
Founded in 1908.
The course was used for growing crops during WW1 and was never revived.
Below a report on a new course for Abernethy, Perthshire, in November 1908.
Report on the opening of the course in May 1909.

Perthshire Advertiser Wednesday 19 May 1909. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Abernethy museum possess a sterling silver cup engraved - "Abernethy Golf Club 1909 - winners - David Wishart - 1909 and 1910; Harry G Shields - 1911; W Barclay - 1912; George McDougall - 1913."
From the 1913/4 Nisbet’s Golf Yearboook; joint secretaries were A C Shields of Pitcurran and the Reverend G McDougall of The Manse; membership was 100 in 1913 decreasing to 60 in 1914; six-hole course; no entry fee and subs were 10/-; visitors’ fees were 1/-a day; Sunday play was not allowed. The station was one mile from the course.
The Ordnance Survey Map below is from the early 1900s, before the course was laid out. Pitcurran the home of A C Shields (secretary in 1913/14) can be seen top right.
The Google Map Below pinpoints Station Road and Clunie Street, The course stretched west to include the present day Sutherland Crescent area.