Appin Golf Club, Port Appin, Argyll & Bute. (1897 - 1900s)
The opening of the nine-hole course took place on Saturday 10 July 1897.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 24 July 1897. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
First competition played in August 1897.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 21 August 1897. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Competition results from April 1898.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 30 April 1898. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Clearer result of the match against Fort William (above).
Appin Golf Club | Fort William Golf Club | ||
D McIntyre | 5 | D MacNiven | 0 |
R Morrison | 0 | W MacNiven | 0 |
D T Smith | 0 | J MacLean | 2 |
C McMillan | 3 | C Livingston | 0 |
D D F McIntyre | 3 | Hector Fraser | 0 |
Robert Grieve | 0 | Alex Clough | 4 |
D McMillan | 0 | J Sinclair | 7 |
James Rowan | 8 | Mr Young | 0 |
19 | 13 |
From the Oban Times Saturday 15 October 1898 - "The first "bogey" competition that has been played on the Appin course has just been concluded. Allan Rowan, Port Appin, carried off the silver medal presented by the Rev. Paterson, Armadale. The best two out of three matches decided the prize, and it was found that "Colonel Bogey" was down four holes to Mr Rowan, two to C MacMillan, and one to Mr Smith. The bogey score was taken at 84."

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 7 January 1899. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 14 October 1899. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
From the Golfing Annual 1899/1900 - "Instituted in 1897. The course of nine-holes, varying in length from 120 yards to 300 yards, with numerous hazards, is within ten minutes walk of Port Appin Pier, where Mabrayne's steamers make ten or twelve calls daily during the summer, and two during winter. A magnificent view of Loch Linnie and the surrounding district is to be had from the course. Aird's Temperance Hotel is midway between the Pier and the course. Accommodation may also be had at several private houses. Tickets admitting to play - 6d a day, 1s/6d a week and 3 shillings a month - are to be procured at the hotel. A clubhouse has recently been erected".
Result of a match played at Appin against Oban Golf Club in April 1902.
Appin Golf Club | Oban Golf Club | ||
D D F MacIntyre (halved) | 0 | W L Menzies (halved) | 0 |
R Fraser | 2 | C A Rankin | 0 |
D MacIntyre | 2 | A Cameron | 0 |
G MacMillan | 4 | J Murray | 0 |
J Rowan (halved) | 0 | W Rankin (halved) | 0 |
I MacColl | 4 | W Henry | 0 |
12 | 0 |
The Google Map below pinpoints the location of the former course.