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Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. (1891 - WW2)

The original club was founded in 1891 and intermittently continued until WW2.

Following both wars the club and course fell into decline.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Playing for the captaincy in December 1892.



In April 1893 a competition was held for three prizes given by Captain Campbell of Inverneil. There was a good turnout of members playing in steady downpour of rain, result; A J Fraser, 102-20-82; C D Mackenzie, 91-7-84; William Stewart, 107-22-85.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Report on the anual meeting in November  1893.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 18 November 1893. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


In November 1895 the AGM was held at the Argyll Hotel. There was a healthy gathering of 45 gentlemen and 15 ladies. Amongst the topics discussed was the possibility of the club becoming tenants of the course, with the opton of sub letting for grazing. This would enable the club to make necessary improvements to the course, incuding building a clubhouse.

In April 1896 a committee meeting was held at the Corran to discuss the clubhouse issue. Mr D Campbell, joiner offered to erect a clubhouse in Bank Park for the sum of £30, this was accepted and the work would start in the next week or two.

The club seemed quiet active during this period, the course was in good condition, and there were regular medal competitions, there was also a club match against Inverneill.

Report on the annual meeting in November 1897.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Report on the annual meeting in November  1897.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 20 November 1897. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


In June 1898 Lochgilphead visited Tarbert to celebrate the opening of the Tarbert course. After a one sided game the visitors were entertained at the Columba Hotel, Captain Campbell of Stonefield in the chair.

Tarbert Golf Club   Lochgilphead Golf Club  
Dr Bayne 0 Dr Hunter 5
Jas E Graham 0 M Sinclair 7
Alex McFarlane 0 R M Jack 8
H Aird 0 Lt Col Campbell of Inverneill 4
  0   24

There were concerns in the early 1900s, the course seemed little used and some areas had become overgrown. There were still problems with obtaining the sole tenancy of the course, and grazing rights were still an issue. There was, however, optimism that the club would soon become sole tenants with the opportunity of making improvements to the course.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. View of the course pre-WW1.

Pre WW1 Postcard of Lochgilphead Golf Course (to the right). Authors Collection.


In 1901 things were looking brighter, the greens had been fenced off, rolled and treated. In September of this year the clubhouse was moved to a location nearer Bishopton Bridge. The building was lifted on to a gun carriage and drawn across the course by three horses.

Result of a match played in June 1902.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Result of a match played in June 1902.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 7 June 1902. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Willie Fernie, Troon, makes improvements to the course in 1904.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. W Fernie, Troon, makes improvements in 1904.

Campbeltown Courier Saturday 11 June 1904. Image © Wyvex Media Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


The following is taken from the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook. Number of members 40. Secretary; M Sinclair, County Buildings, Lochgilphead; Captain - Dr Hunter Corran; Green-keeper - W Johnstone; Entrance fee, nil; subs 10/6, ladies 5/-; Amateur record - M Sinclair 72; Visitors' fees, 1/- a day, 2/6 a week, 3/6 a fortnight, 5/- a month. An interesting little course, close to Crinan Canal, The length of the nine-holes is about 2,000 yards. A small river runs through the course which is utilised as a hazard at several holes. Other hazards are trees, hedges, whins and artificial bunkers. 


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Result of a match played in July 1911.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 8 July 1911. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. The course in the early 1920s.

Early 1920s postcard of the Lochgilphead golf course.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Hole-in-one on the course in 1927.

Daily Record Friday 8 July 1927.Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


From the Golfer's Handbook 1928; Membership, 90; Secretary - R Cromarty, Union Bank, Lochgilphead; Green-keeper, W J Stevenson; 9-holes;  Amateur course record, G R Russell 65; Visitors, 1/6 a day, 5/- a week, 17/6 a month; Annual subscriptions, 12s/6d; No Sunday play. 

Golfer's Handbook 1932/33; Membership, 90; Secretary - R Cromarty, Union Bank, Lochgilphead; Green-keeper, J McGill; Amateur course record, G R Russell 65; Visitors, 1/6 a day, 5/- a week, 17/6 a month. Sunday play was not allowed.

Result of a one-sided match at Machrihanish played in July 1934.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Result of a match played in July 1934.

Campbeltown Courier Saturday 4 August 1934. Image © Wyvex Media Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Golfer's Handbook 1937; Membership, 112; Secretary - Peter White, Lorne Park, Lochgilphead; Professional and green-keeper, D PacPhee; 9-holes; Visitors 1s/6d a day, 5s a week, 17s/6d a month; No Sunday play.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Departure of the professional in 1938.

Campbeltown Courier Saturday 19 November 1938. Image © Wyvex Media Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Green-keeper required for the season in February 1939.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Green-keeper required in February 1939.

The Scotsman Friday 3 February 1939. Image © National World Publishing Ltd.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Result of a competition played in May 1941.

Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser Saturday 10 May 1941.Image © Wyvex Media Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Towards the end of its existence at the time of WW2 the secretary was R V Paterson, “Drimpark” Lochgilphead, the professional and greenkeeper was D McPhee. The 9- hole course had a SSS of 63. Visitors’ fees were 1/6 a day, 5/- a week and 17/6 a month. Sunday play was not allowed.


Lochgilphead Golf Club, Argyll & Bute. Location of the earlier golf course.

Bank Park, location of the early course. Grid reference NR85900,88150, co-ordinates 185900,688150.



The current club was founded in 1963.