Torvean Golf Club, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness. (1961 – 2019)
The original nine-hole course opened in 1962. It was eventually extended to eighteen-holes.
The course closed in 2019 to make way for a new road development. A new course is to be provided by the Council to replace the old one.
The main feature of the course was the nearby canal. Golfer’s also needed to cross two main roads during their adventurous rounds.

Inverness Courier Tuesday 2 May 1961. Image © Scottish Provincial Press Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Inverness Courier Tuesday 2 May 1962 - "It was agreed at yeserday's meeting of the Parks and Cemetaries Committee presided over by Bailie Tom Mackenzie, to extend Torvean Golf Course by the addition of a further nine-holes. The area used for the golf course would stretch from the Caledonian canal at Tomnahurich Brige to the riverside, taking in the Black Park, and this would add a further 7 acres to the present course. A suggestion by Bailie Donald Urquhart that an expert on laying out golf courses should be called in was accepted."
At a special meeting at the Gellion's Hotel in November 1962 the Torvean Golf Club was formed. The meeting was presided over by Mr J W Cumming, a member of the deputation of golfer's who met the Town Council's Parks Committee to discuss the formation of a club. The following officers were appointed; President, J W Cumming; Vice-president, D Macdonald; Secretsry, D MacAngus; Treasurer, W Davidson; Auditors, J Blackley and D Maclennan; Committee - Mrs C F Maxwell, T Mackintosh, W Robertson and A Christie.
Report on the annual meeting in 1967.

Inverness Courier Friday 3 February 1967. Image © Scottish Provincial Press Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The club first appeared in the Golfer’s Handbook in the mid 1970s but little information, except the name, was provided for several years.
Entry from the 1988 Golfer’s Handbook; Membership of 400; Secretary, A S Menzies; 18-holes, 4,308 yards, SSS 62; Amateur course record – A S Philip, 59; Green fees - £3.50 weekdays, (£4 at weekend.)
Report on the new clubhouse and 18-hole golf course in April 1988.

Aberdeen Press and Journal Monday 25 April 1988. Image © D.C.Thomson & Co. Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Golfer’s Handbook 1991; Membership 403; Secretary, A S Menzies; 18-holes, 5,784 yards, SSS 68; Course records – amateur; D C Walker, 67; professional, R Weir, 70; Visitors fees, £6.00, (£7.70.)
Golfer's Handbook 1994; Membership 405; Secretary, Mrs K M Gray; 18-holes, 5,784 yards, SSS 68; Course records – amateur; N MacDonald, 66; professional, R Weir, 70; Visitors fees, £8,50 (£10)
Golfer’s Handbook 1998; Founded 1962; Designed by T Hamilton; 18-holes, 5,784 yards, SSS 68; Visitors, £12 (£14).
Golfer's Handbook 2002; Membership 400; Secretary, Mrs K M Gray; 18-holes, 5,784 yards, SSS 68; Visitors, £12.90 (£16.80).

Aberdeen Press and Journal Friday 31 May 2002. Image © D.C.Thomson & Co. Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Golfer's Handbook 2004; Membership 750; Manager, Atholl S Menzies; 18-holes, 5,784 yards, SSS 68; Visitors, £15 (£18).
Golfer's Handbook 2006; Membership 850; Manager, Susan F Smith; 18-holes, 5,784 yards, SSS 68; Visitors, £15 (£18) .
Golfer's Handbook 2007/8; Membership 850; Manager, Susan F Smith; 18-holes, 5,799 yards, SSS 68; Visitors, £24 (£26.50).
Golfer's Handbook 2009; Membership 700; Manager, Susan F Smith; 18-holes, 5,799 yards, SSS 68; Visitors, £24 (£26.50).
Thanks to Dr. Douglas Lockhart who visited the site in Monday 6 December 2021 and took the pictures below.
Part of the earlier course is now parkland, a few former holes have been converted into a practice ground; holes 16 and 18 have been incorporated into the new King’s Course becoming the 18th and 1st respectively while the remaining area closest to the Premier Inn is either unused or has become part of the new road layout in West Inverness.

Fourteenth hole. Note how the former tee in the foreground has been flattened and the soil/turf removed.