St Leonard's School Golf Course, St Andrews, Fife. (1890s)
Course laid out by Tom Morris.
Report on the course from June 1893.
The following reports are taken from the St Andrews Citizen. The first is from the 29 April 1893, the second one is dated 3 June 1893.
"St Leonard's School means to have a private golf course within its own domains. The school is gradually becoming a distinct and a self-contained colony in our Ancient City."
"A short golf course of nine-holes has just been laid out by Tom Morris for St Leonard's School. The green is within the large expanse of private grounds adjoining the school, and is of a suitable description for the game. The distance between the holes, although not so great as on an ordinary driving course, is greater than is usual on putting links."
Thanks to Melvyn Morrow for supplying the above information.
Ordnance Survey Map from the 1890s.