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Lochgelly Golf Club, Fife. (1895 - WW1)

A golf course had been talked of for a long time in Lochgelly and in early October 1895 a meeting was called to discuss the feasibility of a club.

At a meeting on Monday 21 October 1895 it was agreed to form a club. Land was available at Spittal Farm and it was unanimously agreed upon that Mr Connel should complete the negotiations on securing the land for the course. The following office bearers were elected at the meeting; president, Dr D F Dendle; vice-president, Mr J D Connel; treasurer, Mr A Graham; secretary, Mr Mr A Westwater; committee – J Irvine, F W Stiven, P Anderson, R Penman and J Hickamn. Entrance fee for men was 10/- and ladies 5/-.

Work was quickly started on preparing the ground and it was planned to play the first round on Wednesday 13th November.

Following is the result of the March 1896 monthly medal; George Crombie, 95-10-85; Rev P McMahon, 87 scratch; W W Bethune, 88 scratch. The medal was donated by Mr Barclay, jeweller, Lochgelly.

Mr J D Connel presided at a meeting at the Drill Hall on Monday 6 September 1897. The secretary read a communication from Cowdenbeath Golf Club on the subject of amalgamation and the procuring of a mutual course. The matter was fully discussed but no decision was reached, the question would be discussed at a later meeting. The general feeling of the meeting was against retaining of its present course at Spittal. An effort was to be made on securing land at either Cooperhall Park or on a field to the north of Lochgelly station.

In November 1897 it was confirmed that the clubs offer to lease Cooperhall Park and an additional field at £10 per annum had been accepted. The committee intended to have the course ready for play within a fortnight. It was reported that “The course furnishes nine-holes, the cricket pitch and gardens being distinctly avoided. The distance between the holes is considerably greater, and consequently an improvement on the old course at Spittal. The green have not yet been perfected but the course will be found in playable condition.”      

It was reported in the Edinburgh Evening News on Friday 11 November 1904 that after a number of years the Lochgelly Golf Club has been resuscitated. A course has been secured near to the old one on ground belonging to the Earl of Minto, and situated on the Kircaldy Road, about a mile from the burgh. The course of nine holes covers a large area and prepatory work was now taking place.

In April 1905 it was reported that the club had just held their first prize competition, leading scores; John Mitchell, 91-9-82; D J Glennie, 90-4-86; William Lonie, 98-12-86; David McQuillen, 97-10-87; James Sneddon, 88 scratch.

Report on the opening of the new course in December 1904.


Lochgelly Golf Club, Fife. Report on the opening of the new course in December 1904.

Dundee Evening Post Wednesday 7 December 1904. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


In May 1906 an exhibition match was reported as being played on the Minto course, Lochgelly between W Binnie the Kinghorn professional, and Robert Houston, formerly a scratch Leven player, now of Lochgelly. The course was sodden with the recent wet weather, but a new record was set by Houston who completed the 18 holes in 67. Binnie’s score was 70. Dundee Courier 10 May 1906.

A new club in June 1908.


Lochgelly Golf Club, Fife. A new course announced in June 1908.

From the Fifeshire Advertiser Saturday 27 June 1908. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


The annual meeting was held in the Masonic Hall in December 1908, the following officers were elected; President, A Westwater; vice-president, W Taylor; captain, H Forrester; vice-captain, M McCulloch; secretary, A W Philp; treasurer, James Williamson; council - D G Glennie, Dr. Dickson, J Holman, J Mitchell, J Adam, J Sneddon, W Ross. 

On the move again in July 1909.


Lochgelly Golf Club, Fife. Another new course announced in July 1909.

Dundee Courier Saturday 3 July 1909. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Lochgelly Golf Club, Fife. Result of a match played in April 1910,

Dundee Courier Friday 29 April 1910. Image © D.C.Thomson & Co. Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


Playing in a Mitchell Cup Tie in August 1911 James Affleck holed in on at the home hole which measured nearly 270 yards.

The annual meeting was held in November 1911, officers for the coming year; President, William Taylor; vice-president, W Small; captain, Colin Morrison; vice-captain, John Forrester; secretary, Alfred Philp; treasurer, James Williamson; committee - A Westwater, S Ewing, R Park, H Forrester, Donald Gray, D Buchan, James Affleck.

Extended course opened in May 1913.


Lochgelly Golf Club, Fife. The extended course opened in May 1913.

Dundee Courier Thursday 29 May 1913. Image © D.C.Thomson & Co. Ltd. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


The club moved to their current location following WW1.

Ordnance Survey Map showing Spittal Farm, the first course.


Lochgelly Golf Club, Fife. Location of Spittal Farm on the 1920 O.S. map.

The club had moved to its current location by 1920. © Crown Copyright {1920}