Whitburn Golf Club, West Lothian. (1909 – 1930s)
The club had a nomadic life with courses at Croftmalloch, Blaeberryhill and Reeves Farm.
Brief mention from the Linlithgowshire Gazette Friday 2 July 1909 – “ Mr MacKnight is an admirer of the fascinating game of golf, and to his efforts, in conjuction with those of the late Mr Thomson, has to be attributed the formation of the Whitburn Golf Club.”
From the Linlithgowshire Gazette Friday 11 March 1910 – “According to official expectations, the golf club will open its season about the end of April, but according to the expectations of others they will open the season at the Whitburn Golf Club dance on the 25th, to which they have received a general invitation.”
Report on the first annual dance held in March 1910.
Result of a match played at Livingston in June 1911.
The Ordnance Survey Map below shows the location of the early course at Croftmalloch at the time of WW1. It continued to be shown at this location on the O.S. Maps in the 1930/40s. Reeves Farm, location of another former course in 1921, can be seen to the south.
New course on Blaeberryhill in June 1920.
Ordnance Survey Map showing Blaeberryhill and the reservoir at the time of WW1. Croftmalloch is to the west.
Report on the new course at Reeves Farm in June 1921.
Result of a match played at Fauldhouse in May 1922.
Result of the August 1923 medal; J Thomson, 100-28-72; J Allan, 75; M McGiven, 80.
Report on the annual meeting in April 1925.
Competitions played in September 1925.
Opening of the new Croftmalloch golf course in May 1927.