Armadale Golf Club, West Lothian. (1907 - 1927)
The club was in founded 1907.
The first course was at Tarrareoch, which adjoined the railway station, it continued at this location until the outbreak of WW1. Following the war the club attempted to re-establish itself on a course at Cowdenhead but there were problems with the landowner, the club were without a course after just one year. In 1921 the club moved to a course to the north of Armadale at Muirhall. Unfortunately disagreement with the farmer regarding grazing rights forced the club to cancel the lease, this was in 1927 and Armadale was again without a golf club and course.
There have been at least two attempts to re-establish golf at Armadale in recent years. There was until recently a Bridgecastle golf Club but this has, unfortunately, closed.
There have been, up to present, five courses in Armadale, all were nine holes with the exception of the short lived Bridgecastle Masonic (four-holes), dates as follows; Tarrareoch 1907-1915; Cowdenhead 1919/20; Muirhall 1921 – 1927; Bridgecastle Masonic 1976/77; Bridgecastle Golf Club 1999 – 2007 (see separate entry for the later Bridgecastle).
The following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Linlithgow Gazette on Friday 14 June 1907. "The golf club instituted two weeks ago opened their course at Tarrareoch Farm on Wednesday afternoon. There was a large turnout of members and spectators. Dr Anderson, the president of the club, called on Provost Smith to deliver the opening address. Provost Smith said it was not for him to declare the course open. That duty belonged to Dr Anderson he had therefore the pleasant duty of calling upon the president to declare the course open. Dr Anderson told them that they had four gentlemen from Bathgate; James Martin and E Nicholl, who would play an exhibition game with John Martin and Alex S Waddell. He then declared the course open
Provost Smith called upon Mrs Anderson to play off the first ball. Mrs Anderson teed the ball up and with a well aimed stroke sent it afield amid cheers. Great interest was shown in the foursome match between the Bathgate cracks. The marshy state of the ground did not prevent them from showing what could be done when a good stroke was obtainable, but in view of the fact that the greens were in the natural state of the field, and very uneven at that, the holes had to be done with more strokes than would have been otherwise on a well-laid green.
The first hole measures 270 yards; second, 150 yards; third, 350 yards; fourth, 200 yards; fifth, 250 yards; sixth, 180 yards; seventh, 380 yards; eighth, 250 yards; ninth, 180 yards. There are many natural obstacles on the course. Considering the conditions the Bathgate golfers put on a very fine match. Scores - James Martin and E Nicholl; 4,4,5,3,4,2,6,3,4 = 35; John Martin and Alex S Waddell; 5,4,5,4,5,4,6,4,4 = 41."
Competitions played in May 1912.

Linlithgowshire Gazette Friday Friday 3 May 1912. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Report on the new course at Cowdenhead in April 1919.

West Lothian Courier Friday 25 April 1919. Image © Reach plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
During the 1920s visitors’ fees were 1/- a day and Sunday play was not allowed. In 1928 the amateur course record was held by A W Mungall with a score of 76.

From the Linlithgowshire Gazette 21 October 1921. Image © Johnston Press plc. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
Secretary |
Professional/greenkeeper |
Early 1920s |
D B Wilkinson, Royal Bank, Armadale. |
Neil Young (p) |
1924 |
R M Clement, 65 Wood Terrace, Armadale |
1925-27 |
Alex Walker, Watt Avenue, Armadale |
1928 |
J Smail, Police Station, Armadale |
J McGarrity (g) |
Below is the result of a match played at West Lothian in May 1922.
West Lothian Golf Club | Armadale Golf Club | ||
Dr Shafto and J C Liddle | 1 | R Macdonald and A McLean | 0 |
J H Steele and H Cunningham | 0 | J Haddow and J Ballantyne | 1 |
Dr. Fischer and W P Simpson (half) | 0 | John Wilson and William Sneddon (half) | 0 |
D B Harrower and W Mair | 1 | William Marshall and Alex Walker | 0 |
J Stokes and A Harrower | 1 | H Chalmers and A Torrance | 0 |
A Fraser and P Cowell | 1 | D B Wilkinson and J S Wilson | 0 |
M McCall and R W Marshall | 0 | Arthur Morris and John Hunter | 1 |
J Ballantine and T Wilks | 0 | D Frew and R Johnstone | 1 |
W Ross and W Kirk | 1 | J Sneddon and A Cunningham | 0 |
W Orr and T Dalgleish | 1 | James Alexander and John Mitchell | 0 |
J Boyd (half) | 0 | J M Wilson (half) | 0 |
6 | 3 |

West Lothian Courier Friday 29 July 1927. Image © Reach PLC. Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.
The following report is from the Sunday Post Sunday 16 October 1927.
“The committee of Armadale Golf Club have decided to recommend the members to terminate the lease of the course. Armadale Golf Club have a membership of 50
For some time past members of the club have been trying to get Mr Brown, the farmer, to only graze sheep on the Muirhall course, but he, finding that sheep did not pay, put on cattle, with the result that great trouble and annoyance was created by the cattle wandering on to greens.
Mr Brown, at the meeting, said he could not see his way to allow the club to take up ground to the south west of the present course, nor could he take off the cattle grazing on the present course.
In fact, he made it quite clear that, although the club still had seven years of their lease to run, he would make no opposition to their terminating the lease at any time.
In view of the whole circumstances, the committee agreed to recommend to the members, who hold their meeting a fortnight hence, that the lease of the Muirhall course be terminated."

Map dated 1925 showing the location of both courses, presumably the Tarrareoch course had been abandoned and the club had moved to the north of the town.
Grid reference Tarrareoch, NS94085 67265, co-ordinates 294085 667265.
Grid reference later course, NS94410 69700, co-ordinates 294410 669700.
The Google Map below shows the location of the Tarrareoch course.