Corriecravie and Sliddery Golf Club, Isle of Arran. (1896 - WW2)
The report below shows evidence of an earlier course in 1896.

From the Scottish Referee Friday 21 August 1896. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Mitchell Medal result August 1906.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald Friday 24 August 1906. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Result of competitions played in July 1907; D McLardy, jun., 84; James Stewart, 86; Alex. C Speirs, 88. The monthly ladies' competition was won by Miss Mary Stewart.
Competition results March 1908.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald Friday 20 March 1908. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Report from the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald Friday 18 December 1908. "A match between Lenamhor and Corriecravie and Sliddery was played over the former course on Saturday, with the following result - Corriecravie and Sliddery 5 matches, Lenhamor 3; 1 halved. The first monthly competition for Miss Black's prize was also played on Saturday, result; P Currie (9) 85; J Brown (3) 86; R Stewart (3) 86.
Following is the result of a mixed foursome match played in early August 1912; Miss Thomson and James Wallace, 60; Miss Mary Irvine and Thomas Aitkinhead, 61; Miss Polly Brown and John Hall, 62; Miss Hannah McColl and Robert Stewart, 63; Mrs J Dunlop and William Hall, 62. Gentlemen’s foursome winners were Andrew McCulloch and Peter McKinnon, 51.
Result of a mixed foursome played in the second week of August 1912; Miss Mary L Hamilton and Andrew Andrew McCulloch, 62; Miss Polly Brown and Daniel J Cook, 64; Miss Peggy McColl and M Wilson, 66; Miss Annie P Irvine and Robert Stewart, 68. Gentlemen’s foursome winners were Thomas Cameron and James Brown, 52.
Ordnance Survey Map from the time of WW1 showing the location of the golf course.
During the 1920s the secretary and green-keeper was James Brown, Corriecravie. A 9-hole course with a membership of 70. Visitors’ fees were 1/6d a day, 3/- a week, 5/- a fortnight and 7/6d a month. Ladies 1/-, 2/-, 3/6d and 5/- respectively.
From 1930 to 1947 the secretary was Peter Craig, Corriecravie. Club membership had reduced to about 40. Visitors’ fees for gents were 1/6d a day, 5/- a week, 7/6d a fortnight and 10/6d a month. Ladies paid 1/-, 3/6d, 5/- and 7/6d respectively. Sunday play was not allowed.