Ardeer Golf Club, Ayrshire. (1880 - 1960s)
In 1880 the original nine-hole course was situated in Stevenston. Although this course has long since disappeared the original impressive clubhouse still exists. In 1905 land owned by the ICI Company was acquired and a seaside links course was laid out on land in Ardeer. Many of the ICI employees were members of the club.
In 1882 Jamie Anderson visited Ardeer to layout/design the nine-hole course. Following is an article that appeared in the Dundee Evening Telegraph on Saturday 22 July 1882. "A new golf course has been laid out at Ardeer near Ayr, and a clubhouse is to be built for the accommodation of the Ardeer club, which at present numbers over 100 members. During the past five or six weeks Jamie Anderson, the St Andrews professional and ex-champion, has been engaged making the holes and greens and preparing the course, which will consist of only nine-holes on account of the limited extent of the course. Jamie Anderson has been appointed green-keeper, and is to leave St Andrews in a day or two to commence duty."
Following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Dundee Courier on Monday 17 September 1883."The third hole is described as follows - when playing the third hole you must keep well on the course, and if you play a strong game not more than four or five strokes should be taken to hole out. Have a care lest you land in purgatory (a bunker lying behind the third hole), or you may take ten to get out. Many players whose opinions are entitled to respect say Ardeer is the finest nine-hole green in Scotland. But, my friend, you have had two or three rounds, and what with the exercise and sea air your appetite should be good. Come your ways, then, to fair Mary, that kindly comforter of the weary and hungry golfer. After a hearty meal, seasoned with just a little drop of the pure mountain dew, we shall have a pipe of the fragrant weed, and a crack about the fortunes of the game. "
In January 1884 Dr Colville won the monthly handicap competition, prize donated by Captain Robertson, with a score of 88 – 11 – 77.
In June 1885 Mr McIsaac’s medal competition the result was as follows; John Rhind, 110 – 14 – 96, A C Grant, 109 – 12 – 97; A Campbell 100 scratch; J A Cassell, 126 – 18 – 108; W Jarvie, 112 scratch; K Macdonald, 112 scratch; J R Watson, 136 – 12 – 124.
Results from two competitions played on Saturday 19 May 1888. The monthly competition for the medal presented by Captain Robertson, Braehead House, Saltcoats, was won by R Adams, Irvine The competition for a three piece silver tea service presented by Captain Mc Dowell, Kilmahew House, Ardrossan, was won by Mr Adam.
The following information is taken from the 1888/89 Golfing Annual; The Club was Instituted in July 1880; Entrance Fee £1 and Subscriptions £1; Number of members 120; Captain - Alexander Mc Dowall of Kilmayhew, Ardrossan; Secretary - Archibald Campbell, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow; Club Prizes – Club Gold Medal (scratch), Couborough Gold Medal (handicap), McIsaac Quarterly Gold Medal (handicap), Robertson Monthly Medal (handicap), also Club and Captain’s Prizes at competitions in April and September; Course Information – The Ardeer Links are on the Ayrshire Coast, about two miles from Ardrossan. They are reached from Glasgow in less than an hour by the Glasgow and South Western (St Enoch Station), the clubhouse close to the Stevenston Station. The course, which is a nine-hole one, is admirably adapted to the game, possessing, as it does, all the advantages of good turf and natural hazards common to a green that borders on the sea. Although the club was formed in 1880, the course is known to have been used for golfing many years ago by the Earl of Eglinton of tournament fame.
Interesting description of the course in October 1891.
Result of a foursome competition for a prize presented by William Law was completed on Saturday 25 March 1893; semi-finals – Blair and Drummond beat Colville and Cook, Osborne and Mackintosh beat Tulloch and Murray; final – Osborne and Mackintosh beat Blair and Drummond by one hole.
There was a good turnout of members playing in fine weather for the monthly medal competition on Saturday 8 April 1893. The Heys Medal was won by the Rev J F Grahame, and the Robertson Medal winner was William A Beckett.
There was a good attendance of members for the annual general meeting which was held on Saturday 16 September 1893, Mr Z J Heyes, in the chair. The report was showing that the club was in a sound financial position. Further improvements had been made to the course including the “formation of several new teeing greens, which have given great satisfaction to the members” Mr James Fergus was elected captain, Mr A O Steven was re-eleted secretary and Mr W W C Cunningham, treasurer. After the meeting the members took part in the autumn competition, Mr R Adam (scratch) returned a splendid score of 73 to win the Heys Medal. Mr William Allen won the Robertson Medal with a score of 66 net, the lowest score since so far recorded. Results as follows; first class (Heys Medal) – R Adam, 73 scratch; E D Prothero, 75 scratch; Stuart Foulis, 85-10-75; William Martin, 85-9-76; James Laird, 81-4-77; W Fleming, 81-4-77; A A Todd, 88-11-77; J Colvil, 89-11-76; W Lacy, 86-11-75; Rev J T Grahame86-5-81; A K Murray, 92-11-81; J B Todd, 94-11-83; Dr Colville, 92-9-83; W C Cunningham, 90-6-84; T M Wilkie, 95-10-85; H Colville, 102-11-91; second class – W Allan (Robertson Medal) – W Allan, 80-14-66; James Donaldson, 95-14-81; H Osborne, 95-13-82; James Mackintosh, 98-13-85; James Gardner, 99-13-86; James L Steven, 105-15-90; J H Connell, 107-17-90. Mr M P Fraser won the longest drive competition, a distance of 195 yards, the prize was given by Mr Z J Heyes.
The monthly medal was played on Saturday 10 March 1894. The course had suffered due to the recent stormy weather, lots of sand had blown across the course, and the heavy rainfall had left pools of water lying in many places, this made good scoring almost impossible, results; Heys Medal – W Allan, 94-12-82; T Halden, 100-12-88; Robertson Medal – W Gardner, 92-15-77; W A Becket, 96-14-82; D Mackill, 101-19-82; W Tulloch, 99-14-85; C Steven, 102-14-88; J Mackintosh, 101-13-88.
Results from the Spring Meeting in April 1895.
A new course? - and a course record in August 1903.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald Friday 28 August 1903. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
From the Stevenston Gazette 9 October 1903; “New Golf Course - Club resolved to lay out a new 18 hole course on ground to the north and south of the private railway to Ardeer factory which has been inspected and reported upon favourably by W. Auchterlonie. The old Ardeer course, which has been encroached upon, was the golfing ground of the sporting Earl of Eglinton, of tournament fame, who was a keen follower of the game, and captained the Royal and Ancient Club in 1853. The Ardeer Club was founded in 1880 by the late Mr Archibald Robertson and others, and for some years thereafter the course was one of the most popular in the country. The new venture has aroused much enthusiasm among the members, who may be trusted to carry it to a successful issue.”
From the Stevenston Gazette 11 December 1903; "Estimated that £1000 will be required to carry out the scheme and of this … it is hoped to raise £600 by a bazaar, to be held in Saltcoats Town Hall, on 14th, 15th and 16th April next."
From the Stevenston Gazette 18 March 1904; “Clubhouse now in course of erection – plans prepared by Mr Hugh Thomson, architect.”
Report on the new eighteen-hole course in April 1905.
Entry from the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; Instituted 1880; Membership 200; Hon. Secretary - John Stewart, Royal Bank, Ardrossan; Captain, D Laidlaw; Entrance Fee, £1/10s and Subs, £1/5s; 18-holes; Professional, A Sommerville; Amateur Record, 79; Visitors - 1s a day (2s Saturday), 5s a week, 10s a month.
From the Stevenston Gazette 28 July 1905; “THE GREEN – The old golf links, now better known as “the Green” have apparently been annexed by the youth of the town to be used as a training ground. Football, cricket, running, jumping, and all manner of sports are here indulged in with great zeal, but surely the games could be carried on without such a free use of foul, filthy language as is indulged in, and to say, sometimes by the very smallest of the boys.”
The visit of James Braid and J H Taylor in June 1908.

Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald Friday 18 June 1908. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
James Braid went on to win the Open Championship in 1908 at Prestwick; J H Taylor won the Open in 1909 at Royal Cinque Ports.
From the Kilmarnock Herald Friday 24 June 1910 - "Ardeer golf course was again crowded with trippers on Saturday afternoon. The Jubilee Fountain, which for some time back has been out of repair, is likely to be soon in working order again. The Parish Council have on several occasions renewed the fittings on the fountain, but they were destroyed by some malicious persons."
From the Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald Friday 28 October 1910 - "The annual meeting of the club was held on Saturday afternoon, Col. L G Pearson, captain of the club, residing over a fair attendance. As already reported in these columns the past year was noteworthy as witnessing the appointment of Qtr. Sergeant Major Hoskin as club-master and William Latto, of Elie, as professional and green-keeper. Col. Pearson bore testimony to the services rendered to the club by several committees, and congratulated the members on the greatly improved condition of the course. Col. Pearson was re-elected captain; Thomas Harvey, treasurer; John Stewart, secretary; and these gentlemen were cordially thanked for their interest in the club's affairs. Dr. John Allan, Ardrossan; J K Galbraith, Glasgow; Robert Howie, Dalry, were appointed to the committee in room of three who retire. At a meeting of the Ladies' Club on Wenesday, Mrs Sillars was elected secretary."
Result of the Heys Medal played in December 1911; William Reid, 79+2-81; John Grennlees, 83scratch; G McGregor, 93-8-85; Robertson Medal; Carrick Hamilton, 98-14-84; W D M Sutherland, 105-18-87; John Allan, 98-10-88.
"The above plan of Ardeer Golf Course indicates the stretch of ground taken in lieu of the portion recently occupied by the Mineral Tenants, and also the re-arrangement of the holes as recommended by Willie Fernie. It will be observed the Fifth hole now becomes the First, and, the fourth extended, the Eighteenth. New greens are in course of preparation for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eleventh, and the opinion of the committee is that thus arranged the course will be greatly improved. Fernie speaks highly of it. He says, as designed, it calls for first-class golf. The turf is good, and the hazards are natural and of the kind to be found on good seaside links. The necessity for this additional expenditure is regrettable, but for the sake of the club and the district it is well that the other ground was available."
The death was announced in August 1916 of the long serving secretary John Stewart, J.P.
Result of the 1920 New Year Competition; Jas Lawson, 97-18-79; A Wilson, 96-11-85; Jas Slaven, 93-7-86; S Jamieson, 104-18-86; Jas Ross, 97-10-87; R Banks, 105-18-87; G S Millar, 93-6-87.
Competition result for prizes presented by the Captain in May 1925; first class- John Montgomerie, 79-7-72; J D Frew, 80-5-75; second class – William Reid, 95-22-73; E Norwood, 94-19-75.
Entry from the 1928 Golfer's Handbook; Ardeer Golf Club; Membership 200; Hon. Secretary - James L Slaven, Roslyn, Stevenston; Professional and green-keeper, William Latto; Amateur course record - William Reid, 72; 18-holes; Station at Stevenston, 6 minutes; Visitors, 2 shillings a day, 2s/6d Saturday, 6s a week, 15s a month; No Sunday play.
Result of the Jubilee Cup played in August 1930; A Cambridge, 74-5-69; J McIlwrick, 74-4-70; T Hamilton, 78-5-73; W Reid, 82-9-73; L J Dawson, 89-16-73; J C Robertson, 74 scratch; A C Hamilton, 80-6-74; W Hill, 84-10-74.
In August 1930 the Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald ran an interesting piece on the “Jubilee” of the Ardeer Golf Club, extracts of which follow “It is difficult to realise that fifty years ago there were only three or four golf courses on the Ayrshire coast. Today the courses constitute the “links” of an almost continuous chain, extending from Skelmorlie to Ballantrae.
The idea of forming a golf course at Ardeer fifty years ago originated, it is thought, with Mr Archibald Robertson, who had come to live in retirement at Ardeer Cottage. He was a lover of golf, and doubtless felt the want of a course. At any rate, he discovered, across the railway in front of his house, a nice stretch of turf, and recognising its possibilities, set about forming a club. He found an ardent supporter in the then Parish Minister, the Reverend J Fraser Graham, also a golfer of experience. It was mainly due to the energy of these two gentlemen that the club was started. Mention may here be made of some of the more notable of the professionals attached to the club. The first was Jamie Anderson, a very famous golfer, who had won the Open Championship in each of the three years before he came to Ardeer, viz, in 1877, 1878 and 1879. Later on came Willie Fernie, who won the championship after leaving the club to go to Troon. The Fernie family had a long connection with Ardeer, Willie was succeeded by his brothers Tom and Geordie.
The course was officially opened in August 1880. Besides local club members, golfers from Prestwick, Troon and Glasgow attended the opening. Following the opening days play dinner was served In the Thistle and Rose Hotel, Mr Robertson, who had been elected captain, accepted much praise from the visitors on the condition and layout of the new course. The club prospered and maintained its high reputation for another twenty years, when disaster struck.
The abandonment of the old course was necessitated on account of subsidence at some parts, but specially by the discharge of washings from the pit, in the shape of a thick black fluid, which gradually spread over a part of the course until it formed what looked like a miniature black sea” So ended the first part of the clubs history.
The resilience of the Ardeer members shone through and it wasn’t long before further land became available. Land for the new course was acquired from the Nobel Company. It was inspected and approved by James Braid who designed the 18-hole course. The opening of the new clubhouse and course took place on the 8 of April 1905. For the nearly sixty years the club continued at this site, although there were some alterations to the course in the 1930s due to extensions to the Ardeer Nobel factory. The work on the new holes was carried out by Mr John R Stutt, Potterhill who was assisted by local staff under the supervision of William Latto. The fairways were “a bit rough but given time and favourable weather conditions should improve” The length of the redesigned course was 5,931 yards. Mr Jon McIlwrick, an enthusiastic member of the committee, presented guide posts and new flag sticks for the greens along with tee markers showing the distance, bogey and names of the holes."
Result of the May 1931 monthly medal for the Ardeer I.C.I. Recreation Club; First Class - Hugh Cambridge (2) 74 and James H Norwood (10), 74; Second Class - Gilbert Smith (16) 74; H B Bennett (14) 75.
Entry from the 1933 Golfer's Handbook; Membership 200; Hon. secretary - James L Slaven, Roslyn, Stevenston; Professional and green-keeper, William Latto; 18-holes; Amateur course record - J C Robertson, 69; Visitors, 2s a day, 2s/6d Saturday, 6s a week, 15s a month; No Sunday play.
Result of the January 1935 stroke competition; first class – Adam Donnachie, 79-9-70; J D Frew, 75-3-72; J C Robertson, 75-2-73; William Ness, 87-11-76; A Donnachie, 80-3-77; J Lyon, 88-11-77; second class – Tom Norwood, 89-19-70; William Main, 86-14-72; Tom Hamilton, 90-15-75; A Connelly, 91-15-76; E H Norwood, 90-13-77; J Barbour, 95-16-79. Result of a mid-week medal also played in January; James Ross, 83-11-72; Hugh Gill, 80-4-76; A Woodside, 90-11-79; J D Frew, 83-3-80.
Result of the March 1935 stroke competition; first class – H Cambridge, 73-2-71; J H Norwood, 76-3-73; Alex Donnachie, 73net; D Johnston, 82-9-73; M Clasper, 86-13-73; R Norwood, 90-16-74; T Hamilton, 89-12-77; J Patrick, 94-17-77.
Result from the spring meeting played in April 1935; first class – J Montgomery jnr, 75-3-72; A Fulton, 82-9-73; J R Peters, 81-7-74; J Donnachie, 83-5-78; second class – F Norwood, 85-12-73; J H Cook, 88-13-75; Tom Hamilton, 89-14-75; T C Hamilton, 92-17-75.
In July 1935 the death was announced of William Lotto at the Golf House, Ardeer. He had been head green-keeper and instructor at Ardeer for 16 years.
Stroke competition played in September 1935, result; first class – H Millar (7), 69; R Rodger (8), 70; W Millar (5), 71; second class – G S Goldie (18), 68; J H Cook (13), 69.
Entry from the 1937 Golfer's Handbook; Membership 237; Hon. secretary - J F Adams, 4A Montgomerie Crescent, Saltcoats; Green-keeper, H Hyndman; 18-holes, SSS 72; Visitors, 2s a day, 6s a week, 15s a month; Sunday play (Licensed).
It was reported in August 1937 that the committee of the Ardeer Golf Club had unanimously decided to elect Hamilton McInally as honorary life member in recognition of his winning the Scottish Amateur Championship.
Competition results from November 1937; Heys Medal - J Montgomery (2) 73; Robertson Medal - D Gray (24) 69.
Result of competitions played in April 1938; midweek medal - C Lindsay (8 handicap), 73net; James Cowan (8), 74; Alex Ferguson (9), 75; Heys Medal – Wm McCartney (10), 72; H McInally (scratch), J Montgomery (2), E Norwood (4) all 75; A W Donnachie (3), J Cannon (3), J Bowie (6), Joseph Hamilton (7), A Small (8) all 77; Robertson Medal – Tom Gibson (13), H Gaw (16), T C Hamilton (17) tied on 72; W Dickie (15) and J Niven jnr (15), 73.
Result of the medal played in August 1938; first class – T Norwood (11), 69; J Simpson (5), 70; J Carson (2), 73; second class – W Dickie (15), 67; D G Mowat (13), 69; D Kirk (17) and T Sandford (18), 70.
Results from the autumn meeting played in September 1938; first class – J Cannon (2), T Gibson (7), A Small (8), 70; H Cambridge (2), 71; J Niven jnr (3), 72; second class – A C Murray (12), R (H) Norwood (12), 70; T Sandford (14), 72; J S Dunlop (24), 74.
Competition results from June 1939; Sley's Medal - D Campbell (8) 70; T Gibson (5) 71; H Cambridge (1) 72 and E H Norewood (3), 72; Mixed Foursome - Miss S McGuiness and J Thomson (21) 69; Miss J Donaldson and W Campbell (22) 74.
Thanks to Gordon Craig for providing the annotated maps above.

The earlier 9-hole course is to the west, the later 18-hole course is to the east, the clubhouse was at the end of Dynamite Road, which is now Caledonian Road.
Grid reference, early course NS26690 40985, co-ordinates 226690 640985.
Grid reference, later course NS27660 41275, co-ordinates 227660 641275.
Entry from the 1947 Golfer's Handbook; Membership 340; Hon. secretary - W Simpson, 37 Gladstone Road, Saltcoats; Green-keeper, D Fry; 18-holes, SSS and Par 72; Visitors, 2s a day, Saturday 2s/6d, Sunday 3s/6d, 6s a week, 15s a month.
I.C.I. Golf Section April 1950 medal; First Class - Don Campbell (4) 72; A McEwan (7) 73; Joseph Hamilton (5) 74; Hugh Cambridge (1) 75; James Robinson (4) 75; Second Class - M McLeod (16) 74; Alex. Stirrat (14) 76; Arch. Clark (14) 76; Robert Ramsay (15) 79; W Algie (12) 80.
Competition results from July 1950.
From the 1951 Golfer's Handbook; Membership 350; Hon. secretary - J Newall, 5 Glebe Street, Stevenston; Professional and green-keeper, James K Young; 18-holes; Visitors, 4s a day, 5s weekend.
From the 1956/57 Golfer's Handbook; Membership 300; Secretary - D T Campbell, 27 New Street, Stevenston; Green-keeper, W Smith; Amateur course record - W G Cunningham and G Whitefield, 70; 18-holes, 6,002 yards, SSS 71; Visitors, 4s a day, 5s weekend.
From the 1961 Golfer's Handbook; Ardeer Golf Club, Caledonian Road; Founded 1880; Membership 300; Secretary - D T Campbell, 65 Forde Crescent, Stevenston; Green-keeper, G Mucklehoney; Amateur course record - W McInally, 69; 18-holes, 6,032 yards, SSS 71; Visitors, 7s/6d a day, 4s a round.
From the 1964 Golfer's Handbook; Founded 1880; Membership 400; Secretary - H A Hammersley, 79 Misk Knowes, Stevenston; Green-keeper, G Mucklehoney; Amateur course record - H Diamond and G Whitefield, 69; 18-holes, 6,032 yards, SSS 71; Visitors, 7s/6d a day, 4s a round, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 10s and 6s.
In 1965 the club was dealt a severe blow. It was reported in September 1965 that the landowners, Nobel ICI, decided it needed the land occupied by the clubhouse and course to build a new factory. The club had no alternative and had to search for a new home. The club moved to its present location in the mid 1960s.
Following is an extract from a report that appeared in the Irvine Herald Friday 7 July 1967; "A foundation plaque ceremony in connection with the new Nylon plant of the Imperial Chemical Industries at Ardeer took place on Wednesday afternoon of last week. It covered 100 acres of the former Ardeer Golf Club. The work of construction started in 1965 and would be completed next year."
A final sad note, Jamie Anderson the first professional at Ardeer and three time open champion ended his life in the Dysart Poorhouse, Thornton, Fife in 1905. He was buried in the graveyard at St Andrews Cathedral alongside one of his sons, who had died in 1863, Jamie Anderson’s name is not marked on the stone.
Thanks to Dr Douglas Lockhart who visited the site of the first nine-hole course in April 2022 and provided the pictures below.
Douglas Lockhart paid a further visit to Ardeer on Saturday 30 April 2022 and sent us the pictures below.
The two images below are of the earlier nine-hole course.

Sandhills/dunes known as the Hills at the end of the 19th century - to the seaward side of the 9-hole course.
Douglas also investigated what might have remained of the later 18-hole course; unfortunately not much – with little green space and large industrial units (pictures below). Clubhouse lost to the road linking Lundholm Road and a roundabout servicing the Industrial Estate and leading on to the old main road through Stevenston. The A 78 now bypasses the Three Towns: Stevenston, Saltcoats and Ardrossan.
The pictures below were taken by Douglas Lockhart on Thursday 5 May 2022 – A panorama of the first nine-hole course; looking north, then east and finally south over natural links.
The Google Map below pinpoints the location of the later of the two former courses.