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Coldstream  Golf Club, Borders. (1900s)

In December 1902 a meeting was held in the Unionist Hall to discuss the possibility of a golf club and course for Coldstream and district. Good golfing land was considered at Skaithmuir, were a course could be laid out quickly and at little cost.

The following appointments were made; Secretary and treasurer, Mr D C Hardie; Captain, Dr Henderson. Committee members; Rev H Marks, Dr Wallace, MR R H Shaw and Mr W A Deas.

On Saturday 23 May 1903 the monthly competition for Dr Henderson’s medal was played on the Skaithmuir couse. Result as follows; winner - Dr Wallace, 92 – 5 – 87, runner up – Mr D C Hardie, 99 – 9 – 90.

Result of a handicap competition played by the Coldstream Golf Club on Wednesday 27 April 1904; A Burnett, 102-11-91; W P Mitchell, 103-9-94; J Henderson, 115-20-95.

In June 1904 on the Skaithmuir course the semi-finals and final of the ladies’ match play competition was completed; Mrs G Henderson beat Miss C Calder 4&2; Miss E Fulton beat Mrs Calder 4&3; In the final Miss Fulton beat Mrs Henderson 4&3.

From the 1905 Nisbet's Golf Yearbook; Coldstream Golf Club; Instituted 1903; Hon. secretary - D Campbell Hardie, School House, Coldstream; captain, Dr. Henderson; Entrance fee 5s and subs 10/s/6d, ladies 5s; nine-holes; Terms for visitors, 6d a day. The golf course is two and a half miles from Coldstream station (N.E.R.,) and one mile from Coldstream. Skaithmine (sic) Golf Course is two and a half miles from Coldstream. A bus conveys passengers from all trains to the town. The course is of nine-holes varying in length from 112 to 440 yards. The hazards consist of ditches and hedges, while straight play is essential. Hotels - "Collingwood Arms," "Newcastle Arms."


Coldstream Golf Club, Skaithmuir Course. Competition played in April 1905.

Berwick Advertiser Friday 21 April 1905. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Coldstream Golf Club, Borders. Course location at Skaithmuir.

Location of the course at Skaithmuir. Grid location, NT84090 43635, co-ordinates 384090 643635.