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Mannheim Golf Club. (1930 - 1973) 

On August 9th 1930 a golf club was established in Mannheim. Initially the club was without a course.

In 1931 the Golf-Club Mannheim became subtenants at Mannheim-Racecourse occupying the grounds inside the track where a 9-hole course was laid out. The course was 2,3 km east of the city centre. The course measured 5.420m for the gentlemen with a Par of 71.

Before Mannheim was established the nearest courses were; Frankfurt-Niederrad, Stuttgart-Leonberg and Baden-Baden.

In 1945 the course was confiscated by the US Army and it took 3 years of hard negotiations before the first 25 German golfers were once again admitted on the course. With the horse racing track being closed down the Americans extended the course to 18 holes measuring over 4.450m to cater for the ever increasing number of golfers.


Mannheim Golf Club. The nine-hole course.

The nine-hole Mannheim golf course inside the race track.


Mannheim Golf Club. The third green.

Golfers on the third green at Mannheim.


Mannheim Golf Club. Lost ball.

Searching for a ball in 1934.


In the Golfer’s Handbook in the mid 1950s the secretary was Miss Dannenberger and the professional Mr Winkler. Membership listed at just 22. It was listed as a nine-hole course three kilometers from the railway station. Visitors’ fees were, 2 Dm a day, 5 Dm a week and 15 Dm a month. Sunday play was permitted with caddies. (John Llewellyn)


Mannheim Golf Club. Scorecard cover.

Above image shows the front of the Mannheim scorecard.


Mannheim Golf Club. Scorecard.

Above is the inside of the nine-hole course scorecard as used by the US forces.


In 1958 the Americans moved to Oftersheim where an 18-hole army golf course had just been constructed. The German club leased back the golf course from the city of Mannheim, with terms of notice being just 6 weeks, the reason being that the city has got other long term plans for the land. By 1959 the course was reduced to 9 holes as parts of the land had to be handed over to the city of Mannheim.

With the allocation of the 1975 “Bundesgartenschau” (German horticultural show) to Mannheim the days of the golf course were numbered. As early as 1957 it was predicted to hold the Bundesgartenschau at Mannheim, but at that time the Americans were not willing to give away the golf course.

In 1973 a new 9-hole course designed by Germany’s Bernhard von Limburger was opened at Viernheim East of Mannheim. This is now the home of the Golfclub Mannheim Viernheim 1930 as it is called today.