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Aberystwyth Golf Club, Ceredigion. (1894 – 1900s)

The current club was founded in 1911. 

The reports below show evidence of earlier golf at Aberystwyth. 

From the Cambrian News Friday 16 March 1894 – “At a meeting of golfers held on Saturday it was decided to look out for suitable links, the one on Brynymor having to be vacated at the end of the present month.” How long the club had played at Brynymor is not known. 

The club plays a competition on the Pendinas (sic) course in February 1895.


Aberystwyth Golf Club, Ceredigion. The club plays a competition on the Pendinas course.

From the Cambrian News Friday 8 March 1895. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Aberystwyth Golf Club, Ceredigion. Competition played in March 1895.

Aberystwyth Observer Thursday 21 March 1895. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


A new club to be formed in May 1896 with a course at Llanbadarn. 


Aberystwyth Golf Club, Ceredigion. A new club to be formed in May 1896.

From the Cambrian News Friday 15 May 1896. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


Aberystwyth Golf Club, Ceredigion. Golf Links open in August 1900.

Aberystwyth Observer Thursday 2 August 1900. Image © THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.


In a report in February 1901 the Recreation Committee stated that “The Aberystwyth golf links were not the kind of links good players desired, but it was desirable that that they should have a place to practice and it was hoped that eventually arrangements for better golf links would be made.” 

Result of a match played on the Pen Dinas Course in June 1901.

Aberystwyth Golf Club   Lampeter Golf Club  
Professor Edwards 16 Mr Harford 0
Mr Brighouse 11 Mr LLoyd 0
Mr Bassett 0 Dr. Davies 1
  27   1



Although reports are sparse golf was still being played in the early 1900s. A report in the Cambrian News in September 1902 regarding the Council Finance Committee’s report states that “included is a sum of £13 for the Aberystwyth Golf Club – a contribution which the golfers ought to be ashamed to take.” 

The Google Map below shows Pen Dinas, location of the second course in 1895.